Actor Who Portrayed Michael Oher In 'The Blind Side' Expresses Shock Over Situation

The Michael Oher and Tuohy family drama continues to get a lot of attention. Now, the actor who played Oher in the 2009 hit film The Blind Side has offered his reaction to the situation.

Quinton Aaron appeared alongside Sandra Bullock in the film and portrayed Oher

"This type of thing is just this very unexpected, shocking and just heartbreaking, you know? And I pray that somehow, some way, they could meet some kind of resolve that they can be made whole from," Aaron told Fox News Digital.

"And it doesn't, you know, I don't want to say terminate their relationship. Although, you know, with the blows that have been thrown I don't – I don't really know what's to come."

The film portrayed the Tuohy family adopting Oher, who went on to play for the Ravens, Panthers, and Titans.

However, recently, Oher claimed that he had never been adopted, but that the family had forced him into a conservatorship for financial gain. The family has vehemently denied the accusation and claimed that Oher threatened to plant a negative story about them unless he was paid $15 million.

Aaron acknowledged that like any movie based on a true story the way The Blind Side was, some details end up being changed,

"I know over the years there were articles that came out where both Michael and the Tuohys stated that some of the things in the movie weren't how it was in real life," the actor said.

"That tends to happen sometimes with films, you know, writers take… creative liberties and tell a different narrative to a certain story because of the audience that they're prepping it for."

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.