69-Year-Old Jewish Man Dies From Injuries Allegedly Inflicted By Pro-Palestine Protester, But Few In America Seem To Care | David Hookstead
An elderly Jewish man died after an alleged altercation with a pro-Palestine protester, and there's seemingly little attention from the usual media and political outrage factory.
Ventura County Sheriff's Department officers responded to a pro-Israel rally Sunday in California following reports of a battery and "physical altercation" that left 69-year-old Paul Kessler severely injured. He died a day later at the hospital.
"Witness accounts indicated that Kessler was involved in a physical altercation with counter-protesters. During the altercation, Kessler fell backwards and struck his head on the ground," the department announced, and it's looking at the "possibility of a hate crime."
An autopsy determined blunt force trauma to the head is what killed Kessler, and it was ruled a homicide. Horrifying videos of the immediate aftermath of the incident are circulating the web, but won't be shared here because there was a tremendous amount of blood.

Elderly Jewish man Paul Kessler died during an altercation at a pro-Israel rally. He hit his head during an altercation with a pro-Palestine protester. (Credit: Fox News Digital)
Elderly Jewish man killed during pro-Israel protest.
The specific details of how Kessler went down remain cloudy, but a witness told Fox News pro-Palestine protesters were "extremely aggressive" and "trying to incite a reaction or response" from police.
However, the overall situation according to all reports is fairly straight forward. A Jewish man is dead from injuries received while attending a pro-Israel rally following an alleged altercation with a pro-Palestine protester. Is he dead now because he was Jewish and pro-Israel? We hope the investigation tells us exactly what happened and why. America needs to know.
Let's do a quick thought experiment. What would happen if a group of black Americans rallied in support of civil rights and one ended up dead after an altercation with a white counter-protester? Turns out we actually have a very good idea what would happen.

George Floyd's death sparked massive riots across America. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)
There were mass BLM rights that destroyed American cities in 2020 following George Floyd's death. Billions of dollars worth of damage happened and at least 18 people were killed and countless more wounded in the riots that spread across the USA.
That was the reaction to George Floyd dying after a police officer put his knee on him, which resulted in him being convicted of murder.
The results were mass carnage, pain and destruction and white people were blamed across the board, and media coverage that lasted years. There are also plenty more examples. Kenosha, which is in my home state of Wisconsin, was torched to the ground by a rabid mob based on a lie that police shot a defenseless Jacob Blake. It later came out Blake was armed, but the damage was done.
Where is the outrage over Kessler's death?
This thought experiment is actually shockingly simple. You could do the same exercise with a LGBTQ+ rally. If someone protesting for those rights was killed by a violent person opposing their rights, the country would be on fire again. Yet, when a Jewish man dies while rallying in support of Israel - a country at war following the mass slaughter of its citizens at the hands of Hamas - the media and society as a whole is weirdly quiet.
Paul Kessler was an elderly man who wanted to show his support for Jewish people at war in Israel. He's now dead. Where is the legacy media, which irresponsibly incited people after George Floyd? Same question for our politicians on the left. If the victim was an advocate for Black or LGBTQ+ rights, do we think President Biden would have spoken out by now? He almost certainly would have, loudly and immediately.
The usual suspects are not front and center on this. They are not riling up emotions or casting a wide net which pins the actions of a few on an entire group or race. To be clear, it wouldn't be acceptable if that was happening. However, it's very telling how little coverage and outrage Kessler's death is receiving thus far. Why is that? Is it because he was a Jew who supported Israel? Is it because the person who killed him is likely from the progressive left? Why don't we know anything about the pro-Palestine protester? Whenever a person on the right does something wrong, their life story is public within hours. Yet, in this case, we don't even know who the alleged killer is, what they look like or their name.
Of course, does the lack of interest really surprise anyone? People are rallying in support of Hamas across the country. Perhaps, none of us should be a surprise that a society that tolerates and runs cover for terrorist sympathizers and openly anti-semitic people will downplay when a 69-year-old Jewish man was killed while supporting Israel.

An elderly Jewish man died during an altercation with a pro-Palestine protester, but there seems to be limited outrage. (Credit: Fox News Digital)
If a white or conservative person killed a BLM or LGBTQ+ protester, the national guard would need to be called in to restore order and anyone rioting would find plenty of people defending and excusing their behavior. That's not my opinion. That's what history has shown us. Yet, when an older Jewish man dies, seemingly for supporting Israel and Judaism, it's crickets from large swaths of the population. There's no doubt there's a double standard when it comes to outrage, and it's currently on full display. It's a disgrace and people need to be called out. Let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.