A California teenager delivered a speech at a city council meeting in Santee, California in which she detailed an incident where she encountered a marked biological male in the woman's locker room of the YMCA. She says the YMCA staff completely blew off her concerns that a nude man had been allowed to share a locker room with female minors. Rebecca Philips told the Santee city council about the incident which occurred after a swim at the YMCA in the San Diego County city. “As I was showering after my workout I saw a naked male in the women’s locker room,’ she said. “I immediately went back into the shower, terrified, and hid behind their flimsy excuse for a curtain until he was gone.” Phillips said she was concerned because she frequently brings her 5-year-old sister to the same YMCA. “This is the YMCA, where hundreds of children spend their summer afternoons in childcare camps,” Philips said. “This is the YMCA where my little sister took gymnastics lessons. The locker room was supposed to be her safe haven to gossip with her friends, and shower and change.” YMCA Staff Ignored Philips' Concerns No prizes for guessing what the YMCA staff told Phillips when she told them about her concerns. They told her that the biological man had every right to be in there and could shower wherever they wanted as long as they weren't on the Megan's Law directory. Great policy, Santee YMCA. You guys do realize that predators only wind up on that list after they've been caught, right? There are many more sexual predators out there who aren't on the list because they've been able to fly under the radar. Way to give them carte blanche to keep committing their heinous crimes. At least you won't hurt anyone's feelings. This is by no means to say that the transgender woman Philips encountered is a potential predator. But why even take the chance? Especially when children are using the same facilities. Philips Took A Brave Stance On A 'Controversial' Issue It's wild that this has even become a controversial stance, and disturbing that the YMCA staff hardly even took the time to entertain Philips' more-than-reasonable concerns. “I was made to feel as if I had done something wrong,” she said. “The indecent exposure of a male to a female minor was an inconvenience to them.” Let's not forget that. Anywhere outside of a Santee, California YMCA locker room, this would constitute indecent exposure. Philips showed an unbelievable amount of bravery in speaking at that city council meeting. She stood up not just for herself, but her sister and all woman and girls. Despite claiming to have their best interests in mind, the left has forced biological women to deal with this unnecessary byproduct of the progressive agenda. They've been warned — both implicitly and explicitly at times — about speaking up on the issue. That doing so could bring repercussions. Biological women are being told to take a backseat to biological men who compete against them in sports, and use the same facilities whether they like it or not. Fortunately, that didn't stop Rebecca Philips. The YMCA Released A Statement On The Incident The YMCA got the chance to defend its policies and did so by passing the buck. "We are aware of a situation involving two members in the locker room of the Santee YMCA earlier this month. The comfort and safety of all our members are our highest priority," they wrote. Have no fear, they've got quite the north star leading their policies: the State of California. "As a community-focused organization, we strive to meet the needs of all individuals. We recognize that birth and gender identity are sensitive subjects," they said. "We rely on subject matter experts, laws, and guidelines established by the State of California to ensure our policies are welcoming and respectful for all community members." Let's go out on a limb and guess that biologists don't fall under the YMCA's idea of "subject matter experts." What could they possibly know about this subject that people with gender studies degrees don't (aside from everything)? Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle