Chuck E. Cheese Bankruptcy Better Not Be Game Over

CEC Entertainment Inc., the parent company of Chuck E. Cheese declared bankruptcy on Thursday. citing They cited of operating during Covid-19, and said that they will undergo a "restructuring that supports its re-opening and longer-term strategic plans.”

This had better not be game over. I loved Chuck E. Cheese growing up and have fond memories not just of the games and tickets but of the pizza. However, from a stretch of when you're like 12 or 13 through when you have a kid of your own old enough to go, you kind of have to take a Chuck E. Cheese gap or you will look like a creeper.

My daughter is 1.5 years old, so I was nearing the time where I could take her and was genuinely excited for it. Who knows if she would've liked it or if they've maintained quality standards over the past 20 years, but I was looking forward to finding out.

There's a little bit of a misconception in public awareness, but going bankrupt doesn't necessarily going out of business. They could work with the courts to restructure their company, where cost cuts would almost certainly mean a given amount of store closures, but still exist in some capacity.

Since we're here, we just have to point out the absurdity of how Chuck E. Cheese got caught rebranding their pizza under a different name for delivery on GrubHub. That was top notch content.

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Ryan Glasspiegel grew up in Connecticut, graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and lives in Chicago. Before OutKick, he wrote for Sports Illustrated and The Big Lead. He enjoys expensive bourbon and cheap beer.