The Left Is Ready For a Black Female President, But Not A Jewish VP | Bobby Burack

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is on a short list of potential vice presidential candidates for presumptive Democrat nominee Kamala Harris.

On the surface, Shapiro provides Harris with great upside. He's relatively popular in his home state, arguably the most crucial battleground state on the map with 19 electoral votes.

If Harris wins Pennsylvania, Donald Trump's path to victory would become alarmingly narrow (though a few remain). However, Shapiro is Jewish.

The far-left wing of the Democrat Party has made abundantly clear over the past nine months (since Hamas struck Israel) how they feel about Jews, frequently masking their antisemitism with "stop genocide" slogans.

Squad member and proud antisemite Rashida Tlaib is one of them. Read the sign she held up on Wednesday during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, as vile rioters burned American flags outside: 

Pramila Jayapal, a Democrat, serves as a U.S. representative for Washington's 7th congressional district. Recently, she labeled Israel a "racist state" without any factual evidence of such. On Thursday, she scoffed at a question from Fox News about the possibility of Shapiro as Harris' running mate.

"I really like Governor Walz," said Jayapal. "What about Shapiro in Pennsylvania?" asked Aishah Hasnie. "I'm not really commenting on it. I'm commenting on who I think would be a great choice," Jayapal responded.

OutKick founder Clay Travis provided the following comment on Jayapal's statement on X:

"The anti-semitism on the left is an epidemic. They won’t support a Jewish vice president. Crazy."

Presumably, nor will some Democrat voters. 

Elites and elitists are groomed to feel the same way about Jews.  We saw that as widespread antisemitism protests flooded Ivy League universities following October 7, most of which were tolerated by deans like Harvard's Claudine Gay.

There are few more sure-fire ways to disunite the Democrat Party than putting a Jew on the ticket in 2024. In fact, the left's feelings toward Jews are reflexive at this point.

This week, CNN analyst John King cited Shapiro's Jewish faith as a "risk" that Harris must consider. 

There are some risks in putting [Shapiro] on the ticket," said King. "He’s a first-term governor, he’s Jewish … but certainly some of our voters here in Pennsylvania said, ‘Hey, we like Gov. Shapiro, give him a look.'"

No one on set even flinched when King mentioned the word "Jewish" as a possible reason for Harris to avoid selecting Shapiro. Imagine if a CNN host cited "black," "Muslim," "gay," or even "woman" as potential risk factors. The segment would stop immediately. The host and pundit would have to clarify that they strongly condemn such bigotry from voters and lawmakers. 

But because Jews were the minority group in question, the segment simply moved on.

Other influential liberal voices have not so subtly warned Harris about the ramifications of adding Shapiro to the ticket. 

"Shapiro stands out among the current field of potential running mates as being egregiously bad on Palestine," and "is an observant Jew with personal ties to Israel," wrote  David Klion of the New Republic.

"His particular hostility toward pro-Palestine activists threatens to blunt the enthusiasm among young progressive voters that Harris has managed to generate in the past few days," the piece continued.

Far-left kook Nina Turner concurs. 

"Governor Shapiro compared pro-peace protesters to the KKK. That’s simply unacceptable & would stifle the momentum VP Harris has," Turner said on X. "Hopefully she is looking to build a broad coalition to beat Trump."

By "pro-peace protesters," she means those who were verbally and physically intimidating Jews in America. How dare he?!?

Consider that the left's ugly, destructive worldview of Jews stems from the same Marxian concept as Black Lives Matter. The belief is that struggle is the result of exploitation. 

In the same way that Democrats preach that the struggles of black Americans are the fault of white oppressors, they think Jews are responsible for the ills of the Palestinians.

It's all a lie.

Yet, to the far-left, and even some moderate Democrats, Josh Shapiro and his ilk are no better than white conservative men.

Conclusively, the same Democrats who see the (inevitable) first black female presidential nominee as a cause for celebration are not ready for the first Jewish vice president.

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Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.