Women Fully Erased, Are Now ‘Non-Man’ According To Johns Hopkins University

The war on women apparently continues unabated.

As radical gender activism has overrun progressive institutions, universities have been at the forefront of the push to deny reality.

And Johns Hopkins went full anti-reality recently.

In order to be more "inclusive," the school's LGBTQ+ glossary defined women as “a non-man attracted to non-men.”

In case there was any confusion as to just how absurd this definition is, the glossary helpfully explains how erasing women is actually good.

“While past definitions refer to ‘lesbian’ as a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to other women, this updated definition includes non-binary people who may also identify with the label,” it continues.

Nailed it.

What makes it even more absurd is that the definition of a "gay man" continues the traditional definition.

Author J.K. Rowling, no stranger to the ridiculous nonsense of woke gender ideology, noticed the inconsistency.


Modern Left Is Often Blatantly Anti-Women

Whether it comes to transgender athletes competing against females, or allowing biological males into women's spaces, the left has fully embraced radical gender activism.

The party that once claimed to represent women now purposefully ignores their wishes.

Transgender and non-binary individuals are now lumped into an all-encompassing category in a direct repudiation of feminism.

Amazingly, the intellectual incongruence has apparently never been considered by woke universities. Or considered and quickly dismissed in favor of more woke virtue signaling.

What's perhaps even more impressive is how quickly and powerfully the left has closed ranks on redefining reality.

Criticizing anything remotely connected to the trans or non-binary viewpoint is now grounds for immediate expulsion.

Rowling may be the most prominent example, with enormous backlash against her for speaking up for her gender.

Naturally, Johns Hopkins removed the glossary entirely after people noticed its nonsensical definition. The crime, you see, is people noticing, not the erasure of wom...non-men.

As one satire account noted, it's apparent that woman is now outdated and offensive at elite institutions.

How long until we're all celebrating "National Non-Man Day?" Or seeing proclamations from Joe Biden and the White House on the contributions of "non-men?"

How long until women becomes an offensive, unsayable word in polite society?

It might sound ridiculous, but as ridiculous as defining women as "non-men?"

Never, ever underestimate the power of woke liberals to push reality to the back in favor of their own agenda.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.