Men Reveal The Most Unattractive Traits In Women & A Defense Of Model Trains

What do we have here? A Womansplaining on the weekend?!

Yes, friends, I regret to inform you I came down with a nasty bug earlier this week. Rocking a sky-high fever, I barely had the brain function to form complete sentences — let alone bring you the sort of delightfully smart and hilarious commentary you've come to expect from this weekly installment.

I know you've been waiting with bated breath for days now, so let's get right to it.

Last week, we had a good ol' time dissecting a viral poll that listed the hobbies women find the least attractive in men.

READ IT HERE: Here Are The Hobbies Women Actually Find Attractive (And Why They Usually Hate Video Games)

But because I'm an equal-opportunity Womansplainer, I asked male readers to send me what hobbies (or traits) you find least attractive in a woman. And, as always, you delivered.

Before we dive into that, though, let's get some reaction to last week's discussion.

Anthony C. Is Not Buying Last Week's Poll Results:

Jeez thats some list. I cannot believe gambling came in before model trains and Taxidermy? I love gambling, on everything! Where was this list conducted — in Boise, Idaho? I am originally from Long Island, NY, and I promise, on a stack of bibles, that taxidermy would not be on that list. That's just nuts. I used to love online trolling btw. But I digress. 

I guess I have been married too long for this to even matter. We hang out with single people all the time (makes it sound like a dirty word LOL). I think there would be more heinous activities that would turn my crowd off. I may have to ask these questions tonight at our Wednesday trivia. "What hobbies turn you off?" Nobody is going to say "Magic Tricks!" LMFAO 

Derek G., In Defense Of Model Trains:

I am a model train enthusiast and, sadly, wasn't surprised to see it included among the "least attractive" hobbies, given the stereotypes. However, when I saw your Facebook survey result that engaging in "DIY" projects was among the most attractive hobbies, I just shook my head. 

What do people think building a model train layout is? I can't think of another hobby that requires a more diverse set of DIY/maker skills. Layout construction involves woodworking, electrical, mechanical, model-making and artistic skill sets. The level of craftsmanship required to construct something like this is just astounding.

I'm lucky that my wife appreciates and supports my hobby (and participates in it, joining me in the hunt for some of the old and rare trains I like to collect and restore). But I think part of that is because she sees how the skills I have developed building my layout transfer to maintenance of the house. 

Anyway, I wanted to stick up for my fellow "train guys" and ask women not to immediately discount a guy if you find out he's a model train enthusiast. You might find someone who has those "working with your hands" skills so many modern men lack. 


You know what, Derek? These are all excellent points. And I'm not being facetious.

I think when a lot of people picture "toy trains" or "model trains," they imagine the little plastic toys that circle Christmas trees. But building actual model trains actually requires a tremendous amount of skill, knowledge and patience. 

It's kind of like when my husband tells me he's going to do "arts and crafts" in the garage. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was out there gluing pipe cleaners to popsicle sticks. But he's really painting his rifle various patterns of camo — depending on the season, of course. 

Which was all fine until he borrowed my decorative sticks out of the floor vase in the living room and thought I wouldn't notice them newly covered in OD green paint.

I digress. My childhood best friend's dad had an extensive model train collection in the basement, and we were always warned never to get too close so that we wouldn't topple the whole display. For a living, he was a highly skilled architect (like, he designed buildings, not just model trains). 

And now that Derek mentions it, it makes perfect sense why those skills would cross over.

Katie Is For The Birds

WTF do these women have against bird watching? I follow this man on TikTok, and I'd hang out with him over just about all the thirsty douchebags I see on social media any day.


Hard agree. When I saw that "bird watching" was on the list of unattractive hobbies for me, I wasn't on board. 

I mean, yeah, it might be kind of a grandpa hobby. But a man who spends his time hanging feeders, enthusiastically classifying avian species and watching birds through his binoculars is NOT out there cheating on you, talking to other women on social media or, I don't know, smoking meth and causing chaos.

Bird watchers, you are A-OK in my book. And Katie's.

Attractive Traits In Women

Instead of sending me unattractive traits in women, a couple of you bonafide sweetie pies took the opportunity to tell me the traits you find attractive about your respective partners.

So let's appreciate those things for a moment, shall we?

  • Sports Fan

Toby adds: One thing that I find very attractive is a woman that not only follows sports but understands the game. If you're a big sports fan like me, that is very attractive.

Jon writes: The first thing we did when we moved to Knoxville was get season football and basketball tickets. Totally my wife’s idea. She and her family have many UT connections. Downside, I’m a big LSU fan (although I do root for UT when they are not playing LSU). So there are annual conflicts of interest, but fortunately they only last for the duration of the game. 


As a proud member of Team Women Who Love Sports, just remember that when you do meet one, don't be THAT guy. You know, the "name five players" guy.

MORE DETAILS HERE: Guy Teaches Golf Pro How To Golf & Why I Never Reveal What I Do For A Living

Also, Jon, can I be friends with your wife? Because as a UT alumna, I am torn between being happy we are relevant in football again and being pissed that the tickets and Knoxville hotels are too expensive for me to even fathom going to a game anytime in the foreseeable future.

  • Good Cook

Jon writes: While she won’t admit it, my wife is a gourmet chef. She can throw seemingly random things together like no one’s business. Downside, when we started dating, I quickly put on 10 pounds. So no more second helpings and no cutting corners at the gym.

  • Gardener

Jon writes: From flowers to vegetables, our yard looks great. The downside, whenever a conversation starts with "Honey, I want to plant..."  I just get the shovel, gloves, and work clothes out and delay my plans for however long it takes.


I can relate. It's kind of like when I suddenly get passionate about a new home improvement project. Just today, I surprised my husband with a new ceiling fan for him to install on his Labor Day weekend.

  • Outdoorsy

Tony writes: I'm a big camper/hiker/fisherman. When a woman isn't afraid to get a little dirty or be exposed to bugs (lol), that's a huge turn-on. The first time I took my current girlfriend fishing, she baited the hook no problem and never once even had to ask me for instructions. I knew I had to reel her in LOL!


I see what you did there, Tony.

Unattractive Traits In Women

So, technically, I asked y'all to send me unattractive hobbies for women. But all the emails I received focused more on personality traits — which might actually confirm Karol Markowicz's theory that men would look past just about any bizarre hobby as long as the woman is hot enough.

Turns out, though, there are plenty of personality traits that would be deal-breakers for men. So let's take a look!

  • Drama Queen / Overly Emotional

Ryan writes: I get it, girls are generally more emotional, so there’s always a disconnect. But turning every disagreement into a meltdown is too much.


Comin' in hot out of the gate, aren't we?

Look, I am certainly not dismissing problematic behavior. I know there are plenty of women (and men) out there who do need to learn that tears, screaming and meltdowns are not necessarily effective forms of communication.

That said, men, you really have to understand that your bodies are exactly the same every day. Our bodies, on the other hand, are a constantly cycling powder keg of hormones that change how we think, look and feel — depending on what week of the month it is. It's truly exhausting.

Here's a visual representation:

  • Controlling

Ryan writes: Chicks who freak out because you don’t immediately answer a text or show up at home precisely on time and want to throw you on the rack and accuse you of cheating is crazy town I don’t want to deal with.

  • Always Being Late

Andrew writes: Being late because you take forever to get ready. While I appreciate you putting in the effort to look good, can't we just start the process sooner? I've gotten to the point that I will say we need to be somewhere 30 minutes before we need to, just so I have that built in buffer. I can't stand being somewhere late.


I'm going to hold your hand when I say this, Andrew, but this is never going to change. 

Women (myself included) always drastically underestimate how long it will take to do our hair, put on makeup and rifle through the closet trying on everything we own …before declaring we have absolutely nothing to wear. Your 30-minute plan is a smart one — until she catches on, anyway.

  • Liberals

Ryan writes: Chicks who are the "shout the abortion" & black trans lives matter types. Just no saving them from their mental illness.


To play devil's advocate, I think there are crazy extremists on both sides. But at least those people usually reveal their crazy pretty early in the courting process.

  • Excessive Piercings / Tattoos

Ryan writes: I want to date a woman, not a chandelier.


This made me LOL. The worst is the septum piercing.

Sir or madame, you look like you should be grazing in a pasture or chasing idiots down the street in Pamplona.

  • Smokers

Jon writes: If Paige Spiranac lit one up on the driving range, no thank you.

  • Always On Their Phones / Trying To Be Influencers

Andrew writes: Scrolling Instagram at full volume while we're watching TV. I get that you might not be fully invested in watching "Yellowstone," but I never scroll at full volume while we watch "Love is Blind."

Toby says: I'll say the same thing about video games… any woman that just sits around all day playing video games is not someone that I would want to date. Another thing that I find unattractive is women who stay on their phone all the time.

And Florida John writes: Women who think they need to document everything on social media are the worst. Instagram doesn't care about your sandwich.


A couple of things here. First, I think men can't stand women constantly scrolling on their phone in the same way that women can't stand it when men play hours and hours of video games every day. It's not exactly fun to hang out with someone who is staring at a screen and completely disengaged.

Second, I'm with Florida John about the women who are constantly trying to glamorize their life on Instagram or TikTok instead of being present in the moment. 

But I'll say this in defense of women: It's not always that we're trying to be "influencers." Sometimes we just want to capture memories (this does not apply to your sandwich example). We are ALWAYS the ones taking the pictures, and we want our husbands and boyfriends to take some initiative on that sometimes.

That's a common complaint I hear from moms, and we touched on this in the Mother's Day column. So often, they are the ones taking the photos and preserving the memories, but no one ever offers to take pictures of them. I know guys aren't always "into" taking photos, but someday you'll want those photos, and you'll be glad she took them.

HOT TIP: Next time you're out on a date and you notice your lady looking like a snack OR you witness a really nice moment between your wife and the kids, take out your phone and snap a photo or film a quick video. She will love that you made the effort, I promise.

  • No Ambition

Ryan writes: Like they’re just here. The "I don’t know what I want to do" types. Own what you want to do. You wanna be a girl boss lawyer, great. Do it. You wanna pump out 5 kids and be mama bear? Do it. But have a vision for your life instead of sitting there in existence waiting and wishing for "Mr. Right" to come along and fix everything.


I don't know, Ryan. Harrison Butker told me I am supposed to wait for a man to come along, marry me, put babies in me and make my meaningless life worthwhile.

I'll go ahead and brace myself for some more angry emails now.

  • Into Astrology


This was a really common answer, and I get it. The whole thing does seem pretty silly.

That said, I generally don't care what people believe or how they choose to explain the mysteries of life — religion, astrology, tarot cards, magic crystal balls, fortune cookies, whatever — as long as they aren't hurting anybody. Whatever gets you through the day, I guess. 

Besides, your horoscope-loving girlfriend probably thinks your fantasy football obsession is just as silly.

Speaking of…

Next Week: Making Sure Your Relationship Survives Football Season

We've all seen that viral video (and the many re-makes), where the guy submits his "two-week notice" to inform his wife that he will be emotionally unavailable from now until the end of football season.

It probably won't surprise you to know that I don't recommend this strategy.

So for those of you who don't have sports-loving wives and girlfriends, let's talk about how to navigate this football season so that your relationship is still intact come February.

Think you've figured out the secret to being an avid football fan and an attentive husband at the same time? Or are you still working on that? 

Want to brag on your lady who loves watching and tailgating with you? Or maybe you just have a good story that will make us all laugh — like the time David Hookstead broke up with his girlfriend because she wasn't sufficiently devastated by a Wisconsin Badgers loss. Let's hear it!

Send all things relationships and football to!

One More Thing

I see your bird watching and model trains, fellas, and I raise you this hobby:

Womansplaining is a weekly column about dating, marriage, sex and relationships that runs on Wednesdays — usually.

Email your thoughts, questions, stories and gripes to or tweet her @TheAmberHarding.