USA Today Columnist Claims Jesus Would Have Stood Up For Transgender And Nonbinary People While Calling Tony Dungy A Bigot

Tony Dungy is an outspoken pro-life Christian who works in sports media, which makes him a target among the vast majority of his fellow media members.

USA Today columnist Nancy Armour is the latest to attack Dungy over his beliefs.

Earlier this week, Dungy shared and then deleted a tweet. It claimed that "some school districts are putting litter boxes in school bathrooms for the students who identify as cats." Self-proclaimed fact-checkers proved the story about the litter box wasn't true.

Dungy apologized for the error, saying in a statement through his lawyer, "as a Christian, I should speak in love and in ways that are caring and helpful. I failed to do that and I am deeply sorry."

The liberal, anti-religion crowd that Armour is a part of does not care about apologies. Only conservative Christians make mistakes, and conservative Christians must be held accountable in their minds.

USA Today Takes Aim At Tony Dungy

Dungy's tweet provided Armour and USA Today a green light to attack him in a column titled 'Tony Dungy shows his true values with hateful tweet that puts transgender kids at risk.'

Not only was the tweet "hateful" in Armour's opinion, but filled with "bigotry and ignorance" as well.

Attacking Dungy is nothing new, however, he's been ridiculed by the left for years. So, Armour elected to take things one step further in her attack on the Hall of Fame head coach and bring Jesus Christ himself into the discussion.


Armour presented her opinion that Jesus would have loved everyone in the LGBTQ community, specifically transgenders and nonbinary people.

Armour accuses all Christians who aren't waving a rainbow flag of interpreting the Bible and gospel the wrong way. Not only is Armour a columnist, she apparently is a theologist as well and understands the Gospel better than any other Christian.

"Nowhere in the Gospels does he say anything about homosexuality or gay marriage. What he did say was to love your neighbor as yourself, and to treat the most marginalized and vulnerable among us as you would him," Armour writes.

Nancy Armour Missed Some Facts

Armour must have conveniently skipped the book of Leviticus, the third book of the Bible, which specifically addresses homosexuality in multiple instances. Jesus may not have said these words himself, but homosexuality is mentioned multiple times throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

Readers can research the specific passages in Leviticus if they please.

Nancy Armour does not care about facts when it does not fit her narrative. She continued to ridicule Dungy and Christians in her column.

"If you are Christian, you are supposed to follow the teachings of Christ," Armour continues. "Not the humans who interpret them, or the churches that have taken license with them for their own gain."

"If you believe in the Gospels – again, Christ’s own teachings, not others' interpretations of them – can you honestly say he would approve of policies that ostracize and otherize gays, lesbians and, in this case, transgender and nonbinary people? That he would praise making them feel as if they are not worthy of belonging?"

"If you say yes, then you’ve heard what you’ve wanted to hear, not what Christ actually said."


It's worth remembering here that Armour's soapbox is in reaction to Dungy sharing a tweet about litter boxes being placed in school bathrooms for people who think they are a cat.

This woman criticized a man, an entire faith, and churches because she was mad about a tweet.

He apologized for his tweet, but Armour absolutely will not apologize for spewing hatred toward Christians and making up her own rendition of the Bible.

Follow Mark Harris on Twitter @ItIsMarkHarris

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Mark covers all sports at OutKick while keeping a close eye on the world of professional golf. He graduated from the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga before earning his master's degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee. Before joining OutKick, he wrote for various outlets, including SB Nation, The Spun, and BroBible. Mark was also a writer for the Chicago Cubs Double-A affiliate in 2016, when the team won the World Series. He's still waiting for his championship ring to arrive. Follow him on Twitter @itismarkharris.