UCLA Anti-Israel Protestors Requesting Donations For 'Vegan Food,' 'Super Bright Flashlights'

College campus protests continue to drag on as misguided young adults with nothing else to do camp out on lawns and barricade themselves inside buildings. UCLA is one of the many universities with an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas (sorry, "anti-war") encampment. 

As people learned with Columbia University, these protestors are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their mission. Whatever their mission is. And, as long as it doesn't conflict with lunch. 

READ: Columbia Student Demands Food And Water For Anti-Israel Protesters As 'Basic Human Right'

Well, the heroes at UCLA need food, too. And not just any food. Oh, no. They need "vegan" and "gluten-free" options for all soldiers with food sensitivity issues. 

Oh, and did I mention that they added it must be "hot food for lunch!!!" If the three exclamation points didn't prove how serious they are, they also added "IMPORTANT!!" in parentheses. 

Fox News obtained a Google Doc showing a list of donation requests from the UCLA encampment. It starts by saying all donations must be "BDS Compliant." I had to look that up. 

"Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality." Yes, so the vegan and gluten-free options must not be tainted by anything like Jewish chefs or something sinister like that. 

Among their other requests, they asked for rope and zip ties. Of course, they NEED ropes and zip ties. What "peaceful protest" doesn't require the use of those items? 

They also want "skater helmets," "super bright flashlights with strobe," "shields" and "headlamps." They asked for headlamps twice, so they must really need those. 

Seriously, this sounds like a parody of a left-wing-lunatic-protester starter kit. Even if I were making a list as a joke, I wouldn't include some of these items. People would say, "C'mon, that's a little TOO on the nose." 

Oh, I forgot to mention: absolutely "NO sunscreen!" That's bold and underlined, so these front-line warriors must have very sensitive skin that could break out in hives at the near sight of sunscreen. 

That's not all. Also, NO packaged food, NO coffee, NO nuts, NO bananas and NO bagels (I'm guessing bagels aren't "BDS compliant"). For a group begging for items, they sure are picky. Isn't there some saying about beggars and choosers? 

Why are you still reading this?? These UCLA anti-Israel, pro-Hamas (sorry, "anti-war") protesters need your help! Get them some "umbrellas" and "rain ponchos" ASAP! It could start raining at any moment! 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.