Two Spirits And Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants: What Are We Doing Here People? | Tomi Lahren
If you’re wondering why the trust level in modern “health and science” is so low, look no further than this.
The American Medical Association is floating the idea of taxpayer-funded uterus transplants for men who think they are women.
No, I’m not kidding.
The June edition of the AMA’s Journal of Ethics centered around the “ethical analysis” of uterus transplants for bio males who want to be females.
Oh, and, important to note this paper also floats the idea that this kind of crap should be taxpayer funded for equality and inclusion purposes.
This procedure, which I can’t even believe is a thing, let alone categorized as “lifesaving” in some regards, costs between $100,000-$300,000.
If these wack jobs want to spark a damn civil war, start forcing people to pay for dudes to get uteruses.
I don’t freaking think so.
This AMA journal went on to explain that some biological men want to have uteruses to have babies and others just want a uterus to make them feel more like a woman.
And isn’t that special. So glad the American Medical Association is pouring time and money into such an important medical issue of our time, how to advance male pregnancy, menstruation and feelings of femininity.
Hand these “scientists” a Bud Light and call it a day.
Our goose is cooked, folks.
Previous generations wanted to find a way to put a man on the moon and here we sit in 2023 trying to figure out how to get men to gestate babies.
I just really don’t know where we go from here.
I also recently learned that the LGBT BBQ now has more letters and symbols.
Would you like to know what that stands for? Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, and … wait for it ... two spirit.
Two spirit? TWO SPIRIT? What on God’s green earth is TWO SPIRIT?!!!
Speaking of going to the moon, perhaps that’s not such a bad idea. If Liberals are hell-bent on affirming two spirits and dudes with uterus transplants, maybe the moon with the aliens isn’t such a bad idea.
And fellas, be careful what you wish for. I’ve seen some of you bedridden for days with a common cold so I can’t imagine how you’d fare with a period or human birth.
Good luck.
Those are my Final Thoughts.