Trump Influencers Look Foolish Feigning Outrage Over Joe Rogan's Friendship of RFK Jr.

Joe Rogan addressed criticism on X that he "endorsed" independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for president this week, above a trending post saying "right-wing X is shredding" him.

"For the record, this isn’t an endorsement. This is me saying that I like RFKjr as a person, and I really appreciate the way he discusses things with civility and intelligence. I think we could use more of that in this world.

"I also think Trump raising his fist and saying "fight!" after getting shot is one of the most American fucking things of all time. I’m not the guy to get political information from.  If you want that from a comic, go to @ComicDaveSmith .  He actually knows what he’s talking about."

Rogan never "endorsed" RFK Jr. Rather, he said he supports how the independent presidential candidate treats people.

Here were his exact words from a podcast episode earlier this week:

"That’s just what they do. That’s politics. They do it on the left, they do it on the right. They gaslight you, they manipulate you, they promote narratives, and the only one who is not doing that is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

"I am a fan. He’s the only one that makes sense to me. He’s the only one — he doesn’t attack people, he attacks actions and ideas, but he’s much more reasonable and intelligent. I mean, the guy was an environmental lawyer and he cleaned up the East River. He’s a legitimate guy."

A lengthy list of influential conservative accounts have since criticized Rogan for not endorsing Trump, even calling him a "traitor." Notably, Catturd ™ called Rogan "politically dumb" in a viral post to his nearly 3 million followers.

"So - I’ve never been a Joe Rogan fan - can’t stand him - yes he has a popular podcast, but I’ve always thought he was absolutely politically dumb - he’s great at figuring things out 2 years after we do. What a legend. 

"So did it surprise me when he endorsed idiot RFK jr today?  LOL! No. We are talking about the same fucking idiot who endorsed Bernie Sanders right? 😂 He’s the podcast Equivalent of a dumb blonde joke."

The outrage over Rogan shows a basic misunderstanding of who Joe Rogan is. Rogan is not MAGA. He's not even a conservative. He has never been a conservative. 

Rogan is an admitted life-long Democrat who considers Barack Obama the "greatest president of all time." He previously endorsed socialist Bernie Sanders and voted for Jo Jorgensen of the Libertarian Party in 2020.

However, in 2020, Rogan was a vocal critic of Covid lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and mask requirements. He also – as he reiterated on his new Netflix special "Joe Rogan: Burn the Boat" – rejects the Democratic Party's stances on Black Lives Matter, open borders, and men competing in female sports in the name of transgenderism.

As a result, Rogan is a frequent target of left-wing media outlets (like CNN and NBC) which falsely depict him as a "right-wing podcaster." He's not. 

Sure, Rogan interviews conservatives, like his friend of 20 years Alex Jones. But he also interviews ardent leftists, like Bernie Sanders.

Rogan can be most accurately described politically as a disgruntled Democrat, someone who values common sense over partisanship.

Joe Rogan is not an enemy of Donald Trump's. If anything, he's used his mass influence to pull liberals to the center. Still, any expectations that he'd use his platform to endorse Trump were foolishly misguided. 

As Tim Pool argues, targeting Rogan over his friendship with RFK Jr. does not help Trump. "The cringiest thing imaginable right now is MAGA die-hards shitting on Joe Rogan," Pool posts. "Make more enemies, burn more bridges."

"There's no real argument against voting Trump but fuck me some of these die hard magas are as destructive as the leftists," Poll adds.

The "shredding" of Rogan, as the outrage is described, is yet another example of Trump influencers losing focus.

Kamala Harris is the most Marxian presidential candidate of this century. She did not earn her position as the presumptive Democratic nominee. Her running mate Tim Walz is a liar who put tampons in little boys' bathrooms.

The election is winnable for Donald Trump. He brings better policies to the table. He and his supporters have a handful of winning messages to spread – from the border to inflation, from ending endless wars to protecting Americans from surging crime rates.

Yet, members of right-wing Influencers are wasting time trying to discredit Joe Rogan.

Surely, Kamala and Waltz appreciate the distraction.

UPDATE: Trump posted the following message about Joe Rogan on Truth Social:

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Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.