Trump Administration Officially Ends Biden's Title IX Rewrite

The Trump administration has been on a relentless winning streak since the inauguration on January 20, reeling off a string of impressive actions to enforce conservative priorities. Many of the absurdities of the Biden administration have been rapidly undone, with appointees taking rapid, decisive action to unwind progressive policies.

And that now extends to the rewrite of Title IX that whoever was making decisions for former President Joe Biden tried to ram through. That rewrite would have forced educational institutions to expand the definition of sex to include "gender identity," an insane concept meant to protect and promote transgender ideology.

Courts struck it down, and on Friday, the new Department of Education sent a letter to schools across the country that Biden's ridiculous extremism is officially dead and buried.

"Effective immediately," the letter states, "the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights will enforce Title IX under the provisions of the 2020 Title IX rule, rather than the recently invalidated 2024 Title IX rule.

"Accordingly, lawful Title IX enforcement includes, inter alia, the definition of sexual
harassment, the procedural protections owed to complainants and respondents, the
provision of supportive measures to complainants, school-level reporting processes, and
the interpretation of "sex" to mean the objective, immutable characteristic of being born
male or female as outlined in the 2020 Title IX Rule."

Trump Administration Reverts Title IX Back To Reality

Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Craig Trainor issued a statement Friday explaining what the Trump administration did to undo Biden's abuses.

"The Biden Administration’s failed attempt to rewrite Title IX was an unlawful abuse of regulatory power and an egregious slight to women and girls. Under the Trump Administration, the Education Department will champion equal opportunity for all Americans, including women and girls, by protecting their right to safe and separate facilities and activities in schools, colleges, and universities," Trainor said.

How nice is it to have sanity back in The White House? 

Title IX should only be enforced based on immutable biological characteristics. It should only ever have been based on biology instead of gender extremism. But Biden's administration was governed by far-left progressives who care little about objective reality when there's an opportunity to promote their ideology.

Thankfully, those days are over. 

Given how far left the education system is, there's sure to be more issues that pop up over time thanks to the coddling of transgender athletes and individuals by progressive administrators. But at a federal level, discriminating against women is no longer tolerated. Elections have consequences.