The Original COVID Vaccines Are No Longer Authorized By The FDA
Remember how Pfizer and Moderna's COVID vaccines were going to permanently stop the virus from spreading and provide near perfect protection?
Yeah, well, that fantasy has officially ended.
The original two dose vaccines were supposed to be nearly 100% effective, even against new variants. Studies repeatedly claimed even into late 2021 that they were highly effective against severe disease.
Despite evidence of rapidly waning efficacy and near uselessness against infection, the FDA then fully approved the vaccines.
Naturally, the Biden administration pushed illegal vaccine mandates based on these "expert" assertions and FDA approval.
And now, the FDA's suddenly withdrawn authorization for the original "monovalent" Moderna and Pfizer vaccination series.
Rapidly Changing COVID Vaccines Just Another 'Expert' Misstep
To be fair to the FDA, not that it deserves it, it is removing authorization of the original series to focus on the "bivalent" boosters.
Except, it authorized bivalent doses based on unimaginably poor evidence.
And it became abundantly clear, extremely quickly, that they weren't performing as well as expected in real world data.
In fact, some of the FDA's own advisors admitted that they felt Moderna in particular was not forthcoming enough about the limitations of the bivalent boosters.
Now that's the only COVID vaccine authorized for use in the US.
Just like the "experts" who inaccurately claimed masks work, vaccine inaccuracies have been a disastrous embarrassment.
The FDA, CDC, Fauci and their media partners assured the public that the original series would provide long lasting, exceptional protection.
Instead, efficacy rapidly waned as the virus mutated. As all viruses do.
Now the original miracle vaccines that were supposed to "end the pandemic" are quietly disappearing through a Twitter press release.
People were fired, had their lives ruined, lost friends or family members, over declining to get a vaccine with no societal benefits whatsoever.
Mandates were enforced, regulatory agencies politicized, all based on these original vaccines.
Individual personal health decisions made people a target for media and public scorn. All for a vaccine that lost efficacy so quickly, boosters were released in less than a year.
At least there's the good news: no one involved in this disgraceful episode will face the slightest consequence for their actions. As always, they have the protection of sharing a political ideology with major media outlets.