Study Says Long COVID Doesn’t Actually Exist, In Huge Blow To Bernie Sanders, Taylor Lorenz
There's been plenty of nonsensical claims made by COVID extremists since 2020. Masks stop respiratory viruses, COVID vaccines stop the spread, wear two masks instead of one, wear three masks instead of two, school closures and lockdowns work, and of course, long COVID is a debilitating problem.
We've had study after study confirming that masks don't work, that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission, and that school closures and lockdowns were demonstrable failures. And now there's another one confirming that long COVID generally doesn't exist either.
Researchers in Australia surveyed over 5,000 people after testing positive for COVID, following up with them over the course of a year to see what recurring, long lasting symptoms they might have had. And unsurprisingly, found that the long term effects were no different from those after any viral infection. They also found that there was no significant increase in what was described as functional limitations within a year after getting a viral infection. No matter which one it was.
Because long COVID functionally doesn't exist. Even the health director in Queensland, Australia said that it's time to put the term "long COVID" to rest.
"However, we found that the rates of ongoing symptoms and functional impairment are indistinguishable from other post-viral illnesses," said Chief Health Officer John Gerrard to 9News Australia. "These findings underscore the importance of comparing post-Covid-19 outcomes with those following other respiratory infections, and of further research into post-viral syndromes."
"They wrongly imply there is something unique and exceptional about the longer-term symptoms associated with this virus. This terminology can cause unnecessary fear and, in some cases, hypervigilance and longer symptoms that can impede recovery," he continued.
Someone tell Taylor Lorenz and America's favorite forever masker, Bernie Sanders.
COVID Extremists Refuse To Give Up
On Friday, Sanders posted on the laughable "Long COVID Awareness Day" that we "cannot ignore" that a mostly fake syndrome is a "public health crisis."
Even the CDC issued a perfectly timed anti-science post on Friday to celebrate a fake illness by declaring it "real."
As always, the so-called "party of science" has no interest in following science that contradicts what their political allies say. Similarly, far left anti-reality advocates like Taylor Lorenz have shared nonsensical fearmongering about "long COVID."
Jaw dropping, isn't it?
"Long COVID" symptoms are indistinguishable from symptoms after the flu. There was no increase in functional limitations. Health directors are saying it's time to stop using the terminology entirely, because it leads to unnecessary fear mongering and inaccuracies. And that's exactly what Taylor Lorenz, Bernie Sanders and the CDC are doing.
Evidence doesn't matter, delusional hypochondria based on misinformation matters. The modern left in a nutshell.