Sen. Bob Casey Claims Protecting Women's Sports Isn't A Worthwhile Cause

Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) apparently doesn’t think that transgender females (who are biological men) possess an inherent advantage over biological females in athletics.

The Daily Caller obtained a letter written to Casey from an anonymous individual in 2023 asking the senator about "transgender youth participation in athletics." 

You might expect that a man like him, who witnessed what Lia Thomas did in the women’s division of NCAA swimming at a prestigious university in his home state, would quickly say that transgender females in girls/women’s athletics yields bad results.

Instead, Casey took the completely opposite stance, and attacked those who want to defend the integrity of women’s sports.

He claimed that concerns about biological men competing in women’s sports are based on "overgeneralized" and "unfounded assumptions about transgender women." Additionally, he said that any action taken to protect women’s sports is a form of stigmatizing transgenders.

"All young people should have the opportunity to enjoy recreational sports and have their personal dignity respected," Casey added. "In a world where transgender youth face a disproportionate risk of bullying, harassment, and violence, allowing transitioning youth to participate in athletics in their affirmed gender can provide enormous social and psychological benefits. Rather than stigmatizing vulnerable youth, I believe we can and should create inclusive and informed guidance that allows all students to flourish."

OutKick reached out to Sen. Casey and his office for comment, but did not receive a response. If that changes, we’ll update the story.

The problem with the senator’s line of thinking is that it completely ignores reality. Whether it’s Thomas, a Canadian powerlifter, or a high school track athlete in Washington, we’ve seen countless examples of males defeating females in sports of all kinds across all levels of competition. 

Fears about competitive fairness, women being bullied, or a girl’s privacy being violated are not unfounded, they are legitimate. Allowing stuff like this to happen time and time again punishes real women and does not allow them to flourish.

Casey's history of advocating for dangerous LGBT policies doesn’t stop there. In 2021, Casey sponsored the Equality Act, which radically allowed the LGBT agenda to spread into many spheres of culture.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.