Seattle Teacher Reportedly Fails Student For Saying Men Can't Get Pregnant; Mother Appalled By School District's Bigotry

Welcome to modern-day America, where schools and teachers widely accept, and teach, that men can get pregnant and women can have penises, beliefs that were once deemed ludicrous.

Standing for inclusivity, the irrationally woke teacher promoted that men are no different than women biologically. Makes sense...

Bigoted Seattle Teacher's Politically Correct Quiz Comes Under Question

First reported by Jason Rantz at 770 KTTH, a disgruntled Seattle mother spoke out after her son — attending Chief Sealth International High School — received a failing grade on a quiz titled, "Understanding Gender vs. Sex."

The 10th-grade teacher docked the student's seemingly correct answers on basic biology in a series of True or False questions. He failed his quiz after answering 'True' on a question that asked if "All men have penises." Then, the student answered 'True' when asked if "Only women can get pregnant." His teacher penalized both answers.

“I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,” the student's mother said to Rantz. She requested anonymity in her talks with KTTH, per the outlet.

The mother shared that her son draws ridicule for his 'male' and 'white' privilege at the Seattle school, often leading to vulgar rhetoric used against the high schooler.

Rather than condemn the Chief Sealth International High School teacher for enforcing her politically correct viewpoint, the school district defended her radical LGBT curriculum.

Seattle School District Sides With Radical Teacher

A spokesperson on behalf of Seattle Public Schools released a statement. The statement defended the teacher's answers, noting an emphasis on inclusivity.

“Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to establishing inclusive environments that allow exploration of contemporary issues, specifically examining the impacts of power systems such as racism and patriarchy,” the statement read.

"This commitment extends to fostering welcoming and inclusive settings where students, staff, and families have the freedom to express their authentic selves."

As the new norm in American society embraces these radical viewpoints — believing men can be women, and vice versa — its influence trickles down to the educational system, where children are influenced to embrace these unrealistic ideologies.

In these cases, the school typically has a history of making poor decisions. Such is the case for Chief Sealth International. The Seattle public school in Delridge raised eyebrows in 2015 when it permitted access to complimentary IUDs to its female high school student body.

As the outlet Grist relayed, IUDs were easier to come by on the Chief Sealth campus than a can of Coca-Cola at the time, considering Seattle's ban on soda sales.

Americans Push Back Against 'New Norm'

Powerhouse companies like Disney and Target have actively promoted radical LGBT agendas, frequently promoting arguments that men can become women. The overwhelming narrative on sex also encourages that men and women hold no biological differences. Meaning men can also have menstrual cycles.

OutKick's Riley Gaines took a stand against this radical agenda, defending her belief that men should not compete against women in sports to protect parity.

According to Rantz, the failing quiz won't have much of an effect on the student's report card. However, the long-term confusion and cognitive damage influenced by the Seattle school district's radical curriculum threaten the rest of the student body.

(Do schools and teachers hold too much influence in the classroom? Sound off:

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

All about Jeopardy, sports, Thai food, Jiu-Jitsu, faith. I've watched every movie, ever. (@alejandroaveela, via X)