Run Clubs Are The New Dating Apps & Did Usher Cross A Line With Alicia Keys?
Exciting news, everyone: Gen Z has discovered a hot new alternative to dating apps.
No more catfishing, misleading profiles, swiping left and right. No more dumb small talk, plans that never come to fruition or ghosting before the first date. There's a better way. And you're not going to believe what it is. Are you ready?
The new alternative to dating apps is …meeting people in real life.
Frustrated with Tinder and Bumble, young people have taken up hobbies to meet like-minded people who could be potential romantic partners. In Australia, for example, running clubs have become an increasingly popular way for Gen Zers to get to know each other.
Take Danni from Sydney. She said dating apps weren’t doing the trick, so she decided to join a co-ed running club.
"When run clubs are the new dating app, so you pick up the pace from hot girl walking," she wrote.
Similarly, Melbourne TikToker Tayla said she joined a rub club because the dating apps just weren’t "working" for her.
Psychologist Carly Dober said the run club phenomenon has a lot to do with dating app "fatigue" and singles feeling burnt out from the process.
"There’s also research that shows us using social media and dating apps excessively can harm mental health and well-being, and can also lead to people dehumanizing people on the other side of the apps at times," Dober said. "This can lead to poor communication and transactional experiences that people might not usually engage in outside of the apps."
RELATED: Women Reveal Their Biggest Dating App Red Flags & I Did The Dumbest Thing Ever
Now, I'm not here to demonize dating apps. If you've been reading Womansplaining for a while, you know I met my husband on Hinge. No shame in that.
But Gen Z's notion that meeting people in the real world is some sort of wild, novel concept definitely makes me chuckle. Kind of like the story I saw today about landlines making a comeback.
This quote was my favorite: "Since I’m an influencer, I’m constantly online. So it’s really nice to disconnect, and it almost feels like an escape," 24-year-old Nicole Randone said about her landline phone.
We have officially come full circle. Can't wait until next week when they discover floppy discs and dial-up Internet.
Those of us over 30 are laughing at the thought of a kid in 2024 twirling a cord on a kitchen wall phone like it's some newfangled technology. But I actually think this is pretty cool. I've complained many times before about folks in their teens and 20s living solely behind screens.
They're too wrapped up in video games to socialize with actual people. Too concerned with looking cool on social media to open their eyes to the beauty of the world around them. Too hooked on pornography to have actual sex or make real connections with other humans.
So even though I'm poking fun of Gen Z for newly discovering that dating apps are not the only way to meet potential partners, maybe the running club trend is a sign of better things to come. Young people getting off their phones, taking up hobbies, focusing on their health — and building real relationships in the process.
At least until Apple makes that VR headset affordable enough for the masses.
Let's Talk About That Usher Hug With Alicia Keys
Like a landline telephone, Usher's halftime show was also a blast from the past. Mr. Raymond flawlessly working his way through his catalog was literally music to Millennials' ears.
Alicia Keys was there, too, and the two got up close and personal on stage — maybe a little too close.

(Getty Images)
Sir, that is someone's wife.
Of course, the two go way back. Usher and Alicia have been friends for 20+ years and even had a song together ("My Boo") back in 2004. Still, a lot of viewers thought he crossed a line.
Alicia has been married to producer/rapper/DJ Swizz Beatz since 2010. And according to his Instagram, he was OK with Usher being all up in his wife's business.
"Y’all talking about the wrong damn thing!!! y’all don’t see that amazing dress covering the entire stadium. Tonight’s performance was nothing but amazing with 2 amazing Giants!" he wrote in a caption. "Congrats @usher and my love @aliciakeys that song is a classic. We don’t do negative vibes on this side we make history."
So I guess Mr. Alicia Keys isn't tripping, and that's all that matters. All I know is my husband wouldn't touch another woman like that unless he had a death wish.
(Not literally, no need to call the authorities.)
Let's get your thoughts, though: Would you be as chill about this situation if you were Swizz Beatz? Is it fair game to give your married female friend a big ol' bear hug from behind? Email me at
Rapid Fire Internet Stuff I Liked:
Fellas, she always cares. She. Always. Cares.
Meanwhile, this guy took no chances.
She threw it up, and he simply could not knock it down. Bless his heart.
My husband and I have this exact same ritual — every three weeks.
The constant struggle.
Some of you had thoughts on my defense of Brittany Mahomes. Let's open the mailbag.
Tyler Learns A Valuable Lesson
I got in HUGE (Trump: "YUGE") trouble for saying Brittany Mahomes wasn't hot. My wife (who has given birth to three beautiful kids) immediately clapped at me: "If she's not hot then what does that say about me?!" But if I had said she WAS hot, I'd be in just as much trouble. Probably more! We can't win for losing.
So several years back, I was out in Midtown Nashville with some friends. There was a Maren Morris video on TV, and one guy passively mentioned that he finds her attractive. Another one of our buddies (we'll call him Matt) responded, "Eh, she's a little chunky for me."
To him, it was an innocent comment. But I knew immediately he f-cked up. I looked over at his girlfriend. She was seething. If looks could kill, Matt would be dead, gone and decomposed on the sticky hardwood floor. Instead, he took another swig of Busch Light and headed to the bar.
She stewed for the rest of the evening ...until we left the bar, and she cried. Matt's girlfriend was not chunky. She was, though, slightly less thin than Maren Morris. So when Matt called Maren chunky, then — whether he meant to or not — he was calling his girlfriend chunkier.
I imagine, Tyler, your wife probably felt the same way when you said bikini-clad, Sports Illustrated Brittany Mahomes was not hot. But you're right: If you complimented Brittany, you'd still be in hot water.
The best advice I can give to all of you non-single guys (and I say this with all love and no judgment) is simply not to offer your unsolicited opinions about other women's bodies.

(Getty Images)
Richard Is More Into Brunettes
If I may offer my take on Ms. Mahomes, which might be a little boring. Even though I’m a 49ers guy, I have no problem with her — seems nice enough, does some charity work, seems to be a good egg. I think she reflects very well on Patrick, who gets 100% credit for staying with his long-term lady even after getting famous and rich and able to get someone prettier (not like @tb12). However, relatedly, I need an end to this "she’s so pretty" stuff. In comparison to other WAGS, my goodness, have you seen Kristin Juszczyk?
Patrick and Brittany met in high school, and I do commend him for staying loyal to her as he became a famous, filthy rich NFL quarterback. (Assuming he's loyal. I don't know him personally.) But I do know that sort of thing is rare in the world of professional athletes.
And I agree with you on Kristin Juszczyk. She is stunning.
Phillip Is Back With More From His Wedding
A couple of weeks ago, Phillip told us how his blushing bride was bawling like a baby as she stood at the altar. And apparently, no one could get this poor woman a tissue. As Phillip described, there was "a river of clear snot running out her nose, across her lip and into her mouth" throughout the ceremony.
He's back to tell us what happened next:
As the ceremony continued and the river kept running, it dawned on me that I'll soon be lifting her veil and kissing her.
She never once ran her hand up under her veil and wiped her nose (improper? didn't want to wipe her hand on her wedding dress? beats me). It was actually an impressive display of self control.
Anyway, we reach "You may now kiss the bride." I lift her veil and angle in towards the dry side of her mouth. She's having none of that and turns for a full on snotty kiss. It wasn't the deep passionate kiss I assumed it would be but became a short, polite public kiss and I immediately wiped my mouth after my 1st married kiss. After walking up the aisle to the back, she finally wiped her nose. The pictures turned out fine.
Later on, the reception was in her parents' front yard (house on the farm). The farm hands parked the cars out in the pasture next to the house. After about 30 minutes, a HUGE storm blew in, knocked all the power out in the community and 100ish people all had to take shelter inside. We quickly departed, so the guests could start leaving. The next day, one of the farm hands knocked on the door and asked if they wanted the Bridal Bouquet back since somehow he had wound up with it.
RELATED: Readers Dish On All Things Wedding & Why My Own Wedding Party Needed Medical Attention
Amber: Phillip, I'll tell you the same thing I tell my husband whenever I want to drive his truck or wear his hoodie instead of one of the several, perfectly good hoodies in my own closet: We're married. What's yours is mine.
And apparently that goes for snot, too.
Boring Norm (The Craigslist Dating Champ) With More On His Conquests:
Last week, Boring Norm (his adjective, not mine) shared with us his lengthy and hilarious Craigslist dating ad from 20 years ago. He was, almost definitely, the most organized dater of all time — with a whole computer spreadsheet to track posts, contacts and responses to his ads. I needed more info on the spreadsheet. Here it is.
That spreadsheet was lost in a hard drive crash, much to my chagrin, but I recall 46 first dates, around 25 to 30 second dates and 10 to 15 third dates. Around maybe half a dozen fourth or fifth dates. So figure shy of 100 dates in 18 months or about one a week. Very sustainable without going broke or getting too crazy.
After the divorce, I was astounded at how much money I really had coming in. I lost the two-bedroom apartment, moved into a bachelor pad with a friend and bought an Audi TT. Definitely a chick magnet in the 2001 Bay Area.
I went to an age-appropriate mall store, walked up to a cute associate. Informed her I was color-blind and could not match to save my life. I needed three outfits, appropriate for a first, second and third date, that made me look great.
I figured if goals were not achieved by date three, cut bait and move on. Reset, reload. I never found The One, but I found plenty of interesting personalities and fun little holes in the wall to take future dates.
And dear God, far too many psychology and sociology majors! I mean, I was a psych major for the noblest of reasons. Namely, hot chicks with low self-esteem and daddy issues. I was already nearly lost.
I teach my two sons, "You only ‘date’ the psych majors." You never marry them.
I don't know how anyone can be a therapist or a social worker. I am entirely too empathetic for that. I'd be carrying everyone's trauma around with me like the world's heaviest rucksack. So I guess I would never have gotten a date with Boring Norm back in the day.
My calculator tells me 100 dates in 18 months works out to about 1.3 dates per week. That sounds very expensive. Unless we're just talking about coffee dates or walks in the park — in which case it actually just sounds like you're way better at human connection than most people. You'd do great in the Gen Z running club.
Asking the woman at the (age-appropriate) mall store to help you pick out outfits is a veteran move. In a previous column (I can't remember which one), a reader told me he took a photo of his wife's makeup/skincare products then asked an associate at a cosmetics store to pick out some other things she would like for stocking stuffers. Brilliant. I know men don't love to ask for directions or help, but take it from me and Norm: Swallow your pride and get a woman's input.
Ryan On Dating In The Marines:
Also last week, I told the story of how my ex-boyfriend (who was In the Marine Corps) cheated on me with multiple gross women he found on Craigslist. Certainly not any of the women in Boring Norm's spreadsheet. And I know they were gross because I found their nudes on his computer.
Anyway, Ryan weighs in.
I was a Marine from 2009 to 2013, and can attest, the dirtbag cheating on the long-distance GF/wife is a major problem. I never understood how people could do it without at least having the courtesy to break up first. Your description of your ex's conquests as orcs from LOTR had me in stitches.
Because that first enlistment is so hard on young relationships, every time new guys would come into the unit, I’d caution them not to immediately marry for the wrong reasons (extra pay, ability to live off base, etc), and to let their HS girlfriend go unless they really were convinced I’m getting married to this person. It’s not even advice saying we aren’t the right people for each other, but at 17/18 how many of us really know who we are and what we want in a relationship? Wasn’t a question I wanted to find out the answer to by losing half my stuff & potentially fighting over child custody.
I don't want this to come off like I'm bashing Marines. Folks in the military: I am eternally grateful for your service, and your personal life is none of my business.
But I've definitely heard that getting married quickly for the wrong reasons is a problem in the service. And to an extent, I've experienced it firsthand. My ex tried hard to talk me into getting married (something I was firmly against doing at 18 years old) — all while he was simultaneously seeking out sex on Craigslist. Clearly, he was totally ready to commit. REALLY glad I was smart enough to say no at that point.
Do some high school sweethearts end up lasting a lifetime? Sure. But none of us know who we are at 18 years old.
Happy Ending:
Enough about that. Let's have a laugh.
Perfectly executed.
Womansplaining is a weekly column about dating, marriage, sex and relationships that runs on Fridays.
Email your thoughts, questions, stories and gripes to or tweet her @TheAmberHarding.