'Neogender' Is The Latest Made Up Buzzword Gavin Newsom Supports That Indoctrinates Kids | Tomi Lahren
Last night I got a very disturbing email from our friends over at “Open the Books” a watchdog organization dedicated to tracking how the government blows our tax dollars.
The organization has uncovered a bombshell that makes those gender queer books in children’s libraries look vanilla.
Turns out, Governor Newsom’s administration is pumping millions of taxpayer dollars into a nonprofit called “Gender Spectrum.”
This nonprofit goes beyond your average gender bending indoctrination and promotes something called “neogenders.”
What the hell is a neogender? Exactly. It’s made up. Included on the list of so-called “neogenders” are identifications such as “foxgender,” and “autismgender.”
The nonprofits' underlying mission is to free students from binary gender and encourage young people to invent their own identities and even own genders.
Gender Spectrum also promotes secret gender transitions for students in California and across the country and outlines a “Gender Support Plan” which excludes parents at the child’s request. Some of this starts as early as kindergarten, by the way.
But turns out, this partnership between the California Department of Public Health and Gender Spectrum isn’t just a one-off thing but part of a NINE year grant to “conduct rigorous evaluation” of the nonprofit’s “professional development programs.”
This grant program entitles Gender Spectrum to $2,340,000 taxpayer dollars. Now this all started when Newsom was lieutenant governor and was supposed to end in 2022 but shocker, Newsom’s administration more than doubled annual funding and gave Gender Spectrum an extension through June 2026.
Not going away
And the plan is to expand this program to more schools in more states.
Now Open the Books dove deep into Gender Spectrum and uncovered some disturbing presentations like this one from the Gender Spectrum Family Conference in October 2022 wherein their Director of Training Carla Pena explained part of the training program that centers around a student’s “gender support team.”
“We also give this training to school educators and administrators who are working with trans and gender expansive kids, and it’s not always the case that caregivers are supportive of their child’s gender, their gender journey, in that case, if parents are not supportive or if the child is not out, that’s not necessarily someone who will be a part of the gender support team.”
But that’s not all. Open the Books also discovered that Gender Spectrum consulted on the National Sex Education Standards cited by none other than our friends over at the CDC for use in schools nationwide.
Open the Books reached out to Gender Spectrum, the California Department of Public Health and Gavin Newsom’s office for comment but those requests have thus far been ignored.
Y’all this is wild. This is repugnant. This is already taking root inside our education system and it’s not going anywhere if we don’t act now. This isn’t just a California problem. This kind of “education” is a cancer, a tumor, and it will spread.
I’ll remind you again: if you are able, get your kids out of these kind of schools and into a school, a district, or a educational situation then sets them up to be productive adults, not foxgenders, minotaurs and confused pawns of the Left.
Time is of the essence.
Those are my Final Thoughts. From Nashville, God bless and take care.