NBC's Seth Meyers Slams Trump, Ignore Hamas Apologists
Late-night propagandist Seth Meyers has a knack for ignoring the news that matters most.
Hunter Biden’s laptop? What’s that? The Twitter Files? Next! Far-Left protesters tearing down the pictures of Israel hostages held by Hamas?
The Biden administration is battling the Supreme Court for the right to keep on restricting free speech.
I know I left that Orange Man Bad gag around here somewhere.
The host of “Late Night with Seth Meyers” snaps into action when former President Donald Trump says something outlandish or just south of coarse.
The latter happened recently when Trump blasted far-Left radicals as “vermin.” Here’s the full quote:
“We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat from within.”
Meyers blew a gasket on his NBC showcase.
F*** this dipsh*t racist doofus, thinks he can swoop in and set up a dictatorship in 2024 despite having like nine sets of handcuffs on him?
That’s obviously fascist rhetoric, and too many Americans have become numb to it because it’s Trump and he’s a big, sweaty moron who can barely string three words together. And sometimes he dances on stage like a guy in the locker room who’s trying to towel off his ball sack. But Trump is very much planning on completing his authoritarian takeover if he wins in 2024. And it’s clear he’s got the support of the Republican Party, which has become a movement fundamentally opposed to democracy.
Can you spot the joke in there? Meyers is a comedian, at least on paper. He could at least try to make us laugh … or sound like anything other than MSNBC’s Joy Reid on steroids.
Meyers loses his cool over one word in a Trump speech.
One. Word.
Meanwhile, wave after wave of antisemitic attacks are happening both across the globe and in his New York backyard.
Hate crimes targeting Jews have shot up dramatically in the Big Apple.
Over October, 69 crimes targeting Jewish victims were reported, compared to just 22 during the same month last year, the latest data shows.
Plus, New York universities have become breeding grounds for Hamas loyalists.
Jewish students at four City University of New York campuses are being harassed and intimidated by a pro-Palestinian student group, and the university isn’t doing enough to protect them, according to a leading advocacy group.
Yes, making fun of antisemitism is tricky. It’s not a comedy layup, and the ramifications are profound for both Jewish-Americans and the culture at large. It’s still necessary given the tenor of the times.
Remember the whole “speak truth to power” mantra political satirists once respected? A quick Google / Google News search on "Seth Meyers Hamas" draws only one entry of note ... his comments condemning Hamas shortly after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel which killed more than 1,200 citizens.
Not soldiers. Citizens, including women and babies.
To its credit, The Babylon Bee has been doing what Meyers won't even since that barbaric day.
Here’s just a small sample:
Certainly, a truth teller like Meyers could set aside his Trump Derangement Syndrome for a segment and address real issues impacting real people. Hate deserves nothing less than mockery and scorn, at the very least.
It's unlikely Meyers will pivot anytime soon. He’d rather tee off on everything Trump does or says for the foreseeable future.
It's fast. It's easy. It draws the "clapter" he craves above all, much like his late-night peers.
Yet it might be harder and harder for him to look at himself in the mirror and think he's done a good job on any given weeknight.