Mark Zuckerberg's Apology For Censoring Americans Is A Day Late And A Dollar Short | Tomi Lahren

I’m circling back to what I think should be the bombshell news of the week, the Mark Zuckerberg half-hearted apology for censoring Americans at the behest of Biden and Harris. 

In this letter to Congressman Jim Jordan, Zuck admits to censoring Americans- even for memes and jokes- about COVID, COVID protocols and vaccines and also for helping to cover-up and demote the VERY real Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell story on Facebook. 

Facebook did all of this at the direct- and I mean VERY direct- demand from the Biden/Harris administration and uh, I should know because I was part of it.

If you recall, the Biden/Harris team wanted my posts on the COVID vax to be buried and even suggested an algorithm change to replace my content with other content more favorable to the White House narrative. 

So yeah, thanks for the apology Zuck, but it’s too little too late. 

On the COVID part of it, alone, I have to wonder how many people got the shot due to the COVID fear porn propaganda push and censorship of dissenting voices like mine…

I mean, that has lifelong ramifications. 

And in terms of the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell censorship, that no doubt impacted and interfered in the 2020 election- ironically, that was the reason it was supposedly buried, because it would influence the election. 

But it wasn’t "Russian disinformation" at all and the FBI knew it.

Nice of Zuck to acknowledge this but the damage has been done. 

Also important to note the White House is not apologizing and the White House is actually fighting for what it considers its right to keep this up- to continue to pressure social media companies to remove or monkey with content it doesn’t like. 

Just imagine how much worse it would be under a Harris/Walz admin. 

We know how Tampon Tim feels about free speech..

I will never forgive Zuck for this and you shouldn’t either.

Democrats are so entitled, controlling mainstream media isn’t enough. They want social media too.

Thank goodness for Elon Musk and his purchase of X.

Without him and without that move, who knows where we’d be. 

I wonder though, does this mean Meta will stop policing COVID commentary? I don’t buy it. 

Sleep with one eye open, America. We can’t trust anyone anymore.

Those are my Final Thoughts. 

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Tomi Lahren serves as the host of the evening opinion show Tomi Lahren is Fearless on which features her signature bold takes on trending culture stories driving the conversation across America, along with guest interviews with newsmakers spanning the world of sports, entertainment, pop culture and social media.

Lahren is also a FOX News Media contributor and the exclusive voice of FOX News Commentary on FOX News Audio where she offers her perspective on everything from pop culture to politics with a 60-second FOX News Audio produced feature. The segment is syndicated three times per weekday across more than 160 FOX News Radio stations.

With more than 8 million social media followers, Lahren has become a sensation known for her viral videos, where she offers her opinion on everything from politics to pop culture. Previously, she served as host of FOX Nation's Final Thoughts and No Interruption and provided commentary across FOX News Media’s programming since joining the company in 2017. Throughout her tenure, she has conducted notable interviews with guests including Caitlyn Jenner, music stars Clay Aiken and Ryan Weaver, NASCAR driver Josh Bilicki and UFC legend Tito Ortiz.

Prior to joining FOX News Media, she hosted Tomi on The Blaze and On Point with Tomi Lahren on One America News Network. A native of Rapid City, South Dakota, Lahren is a graduate of The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she earned her B.A. in broadcast journalism and political science. She also produced and hosted the university’s political roundtable show The Scramble on UNLV-TV.

Lahren is also the author of Never Play Dead: How the Truth Makes You Unstoppable, which inspires readers to shed fear, find inner strength and speak the truth.