In pop culture news, "Star Wars" actor Mark Hamill felt the need to address "liking" a tweet from author JK Rowling. Hamill trended on Twitter after appearing to support the following post from Rowling, whom trans activists have declared dangerously transphobic: Hamill should have ignored -- or even mocked -- such fraudulent outrage. Users demanded he apologizes and atones for the "like." But he didn't. He addressed the outcry, giving the vultures life. “What I ‘liked’ about this exchange was someone speaking their truth to power. Twitter is, unfortunately, no place for nuance,” Hamill tweeted. “It’s imperative I make this abundantly clear: I support human rights for EVERYONE, regardless of their gender identity, PERIOD.” Sleuths then uncovered that it wasn't the first time Hamlinf "liked" a tweet from the "Harry Potter" author -- thus deciding he must be a bigot. In 2019, Hamill similarly "liked" a Rowling tweet in which she noted how women had lost their jobs for declaring, “sex is real.” Luke Skywalker apologized for that. He asked those offended to please forgive him. “Ignorance is no excuse, but I liked the tweet without understanding what the last line or hashtags meant. It was the 1st 4 lines I liked & I didn’t realize it had any transphobic connotation,” Hamill tweeted at the time: Someone ought to take the keyboard away from 71-year-old Hamlin. Association with Rowling We learned this week just how dangerous association with Rowling can be. A video game company fired a woman last month after a trans activist launched a smear campaign against her for showing her "Harry Potter" fandom: A career in the public sphere is hardly plausible for those "liking" tweets of which the trans activists do not approve. At least Hamlin made his fortune before he turned malicious on social media, "liking" tweets that promote biology