Mark Cuban Remarkably Claims With A Straight Face: 'The Mainstream Media Truly Leans Right'

Mark Cuban may have finally lost it. Or maybe he just never had it to begin with.

There aren't many reasonable, rational explanations for what Cuban said on television in a Thursday morning interview on CNBC. Trump derangement syndrome is one, a prolific, almost violent commitment to reality denial is another, and the third is that he's conducting a months-long performance art exhibition.

Joe Kernen started by discussing Vice President Kamala Harris' remarkable rise in popularity after being handed the nomination. 

"She was at 28% favorability and then as you say, things change, she's all the way up at about 50%," Kernen said. "I would just argue that filling in the blanks does not account for that move. And that the media coverage has been so positive, and almost Mark, that it's like, we don't have to worry about trying to elect this guy that was clearly not up for another four years, and it's not Donald Trump. So the left and the people who need a candidate would have embraced anyone at that point. And you know, ABC it was 100% positive coverage of her, 92% negative of Trump. So Elon says ‘what changed,’ the media coverage."

That's when Cuban lost whatever tenuous connection with reality that he had left.

"Ok, first, what's the most-watched news channel, Cuban said. "Who are the most watched and viewed and listened to podcasts, who are the most and watched and listened to…" Kernen interjected by saying, "is it Fox?" To which Cuban responded, "Yeah, right, it's not close. The number one shows are all Fox, the number one podcasts. The mainstream media is not who you think it is, the mainstream media truly leans right."

This is what happens when you get so rich that no one is willing to tell you how terrible your ideas are anymore.

Mark Cuban's Desperation Leads To Absurdity 

Cuban has a point that Fox is the most popular news network. Its shows are more popular and more listened to than the nonsense on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS. But that's the problem with Cuban's ridiculous argument. There's one major news network that leans right. There are five that lean far, far left.

As Kernen explained, ABC's coverage of Harris was, universally, 100% positive. No negative coverage whatsoever. Trump received 92% negative coverage. That's just one network. The numbers would be similar at CBS, NBC and of course MSNBC. CNN's Dana Bash was given one of the precious few interviews Harris and Tim Walz have bestowed on the public, and could barely stop herself from turning to the camera and begging people to vote for Harris.

David Muir and Linsey Davis, the debate moderators from ABC at the Trump-Harris debate on September 10th engaged in live fact checking of Trump, while completely ignoring Kamala's rampage of lies. But Cuban ignores this in order to claim that the "mainstream media" is actually right wing.

There are, of course, hundreds of other examples of media bias towards the left. The Russia Collusion Hoax, the Nick Sandmann hoax, the "very fine people" Charlottesville hoax, their open fawning towards Anthony Fauci and criticism of Ron DeSantis during COVID. The "suckers and losers" lie. The list is endless.

Cuban knows this, because, all appearances aside, he's not an idiot. He just doesn't care because it helps his political team and hurts Donald Trump. And like so many of his "resistance" NPC's, Cuban is willing to deny, lie, obfuscate and mislead when reality hurts his case. No matter how embarrassing and absurd it is.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.