Kentucky Fans Attack Rex Chapman On Twitter, Burn Down a House

Kentucky fans took last night's loss well, reacting in a manner befitting their storied basketball program.

After all, this was just a game, right? They demonstrated the proper perspective, intelligence and discretion for which.... 

Oh, hell, who am I kidding? 

They attempted to burn down a house, set 17 couch fires, and attacked Rex Chapman on Twitter, blaming his Tweet about Cal leaving for the Los Angeles Lakers for the team's performance. (Even though no one on the team knew about the Tweet), Let's focus on the Tweets sent to Chapman.

I had the good fortune of being able to read the Tweets that Kentucky fans were sending in the immediate aftermath of the Wildcat loss to Connecticut.

All of these Tweets were sent within 45 minutes of the game ending and they are all 100% real.


We begin with my favorite Tweet of the night:

@Sarahbethusaky was elegant and simple, the Ikea of Twitter insults:

@rexchapman trader

Sarah Beth's actually kind of cute. Which means one of you crazy bastards is going to immediately try and hit on her once you read her Tweet. Whatever you do, she's big on loyalty, so don't be a trader.  

@wildcat83 has an interesting question for Rex that is directly analogous to his decision to Tweet that he believes Cal was taking the Lakers job win or lose:

"Hey Rex. If u had cancer? Would you tell your daughter on her wedding day?"

@kingjohnson1403 wasn't content with just insulting Rex:

"Dumb bastard @rexchapman you think u know all .. Know your daughter is a whore"

@donniehoward2 was very specific in whose cock he wanted Rex Chapman to suck:

"Suck a fat baby's cock Rex Chapman."

@chrisgrichard Tweeted a bit of a metaphysical mystery:

"I almost followed u, then I realized your incredibly selfish timing of that tweet was just for more followers. **unfollow**"

How can you unfollow someone you almost followed?

@dustin_walker22's took it upon himself to defrock Chapman:

"you ruined this night for #BBN. How could you do this right before the game? You're an ass and no longer apart of #BBN in my eye"

@shooteruk actually did research to prove his theory that Chapman was the antichrist:

"@rexchapman played 666 games in his NBA career, coincedence number? I think not, you have traded on UK, drop his jersey from Rafters."

Unfortunately he did not do enough research, as Chapman's jersey is not hung from the Rupp "Rafters."

@clrwinwyant came up with the best country music song hashtag:

@rexchapman You were a rock star when I was young. You are an asshat now. #betterasamemory

@jcarpenter_0 made it political. And went way below the belt. 

Rex Chapman likes Obama

@travisg Tweeted as idiots have since time immemorial -- or at least since Twitter was founded -- by calling someone stupid and then using the wrong your in the same Tweet:

"Hey stupid, thx for the B.S. Buzz kill. Your now dead to me.”

@chelseaabner, who is also kind of cute and will doubtless be great in bed until, at the age of 38, when she strangles her husband to death with his shoelaces, Tweeted:

"You're a washed up old man. GET THE FUCK OUT. @rexchapman"

Who will Chelsea's husband be? One of you desperate OKTC readers who is going to ask her out as soon as you read this Tweet. 

I hope the crazy sex is worth it, dead man. 

Finally, if there's one thing I think we can all agree on it's that Coach Cal is in this for his school and his players, not for himself. He'd die for them, right? @willmenser Tweets to Rex:

"Are you kidding? Cal would give his life for this team! Did you really ever play for UK? Cause you don't act like a supporter!"


These are 100% representative of Tweets that were all sent to Rex Chapman within 45 minutes. There were thousands and thousands more scrolling in. Hell, they probably still are. Go read Chapman's mentions yourself if you want to have more fun pretending to work.  

None of these Tweets were sent by Chapman's Kentucky fan stalker, although I'm sure he was not happy. 

They'll have to settle this in 'Nator Arena.

And just for good measure, this is a real and extraordinary riot photograph sent to Outkick.

By the way, curious what the ten highest rated markets were for last night's games?

Here they are courtesy of Mark Binda at Nashville's News Channel 5:

1 Louisville 46.3
2 Hartford-New Haven 32.4
3 Cincinnati 28.2
4 Dayton 22.8
5 Columbus, OH 21.5
6 Memphis 21.2
7 Indianapolis 20.7
8 Nashville 19.9
9 Knoxville 18.6
10 Raleigh-Durham 18.4

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Clay Travis is the founder of the fastest growing national multimedia platform, OutKick, that produces and distributes engaging content across sports and pop culture to millions of fans across the country. OutKick was created by Travis in 2011 and sold to the Fox Corporation in 2021. One of the most electrifying and outspoken personalities in the industry, Travis hosts OutKick The Show where he provides his unfiltered opinion on the most compelling headlines throughout sports, culture, and politics. He also makes regular appearances on FOX News Media as a contributor providing analysis on a variety of subjects ranging from sports news to the cultural landscape. Throughout the college football season, Travis is on Big Noon Kickoff for Fox Sports breaking down the game and the latest storylines. Additionally, Travis serves as a co-host of The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show, a three-hour conservative radio talk program syndicated across Premiere Networks radio stations nationwide. Previously, he launched OutKick The Coverage on Fox Sports Radio that included interviews and listener interactions and was on Fox Sports Bet for four years. Additionally, Travis started an iHeartRadio Original Podcast called Wins & Losses that featured in-depth conversations with the biggest names in sports. Travis is a graduate of George Washington University as well as Vanderbilt Law School. Based in Nashville, he is the author of Dixieland Delight, On Rocky Top, and Republicans Buy Sneakers Too.