Kamala Harris Using Biden Administration Censorship Guru In Campaign

The Biden administration coerced private social media companies to censor Americans for sharing COVID information and opinions Biden didn't like. While previous email releases had confirmed it, the story was mostly ignored by the media. Until Mark Zuckerberg himself confirmed it. 

Zuckerberg recently wrote a letter to a Congressional Committee clearly stating that the Biden administration had put undue pressure on Meta to censor protected speech. 

READ: Biden/Harris Pressuring Mark Zuckerberg To Censor COVID Content Is Unforgivable

One of the central figures in Biden's censorship operation was his former Director of Digital Strategy, Rob Flaherty. Flaherty was repeatedly seen in emails demanding more content be removed or suppressed. You'd think that engaging in illegal censorship activities would be grounds for dismissal, a reprimand, or at least some acknowledgment that this behavior was unacceptable.

In the modern Democratic Party though, it gets you a promotion.

As mentioned by John LeFevre on X, Flaherty has moved seamlessly into the Kamala Harris campaign as Deputy Campaign Manager. That's a big step up for trying to illegally get speech taken down!

Kamala Harris Rewards Censorship, Because She Agrees With It

Flaherty's efforts weren't punished by Biden or by Harris, because censorship is now a core belief of the Democrat Party.

Flaherty in his emails mentioned that content removal was viewed as an important goal at the "top levels" of the administration. Well, there are two people at the top of the Biden administration, though it's down to effectively one as Biden's decided to quiet quit by going on endless vacations.

But the decision to not only keep Flaherty, but promote him, indicates that illegal censorship could and likely would be a significant part of a future Harris administration. Unsurprisingly, given her track record. It's also a sign that the Democrat Party doesn't care about what it did. 

It doesn't care about censorship or getting caught. Biden didn't. Flaherty certainly doesn't. And clearly Harris doesn't either. It's just one of the many disqualifying parts of her campaign. But it might be the worst.