IWF's 'Take Back Title IX' Tour Bus Attacked, Vandalized With Profanity, Graphic Drawings

In yet another sign of the aggression and intolerance of extremist radical gender ideologues, a tour bus for the Independent Women's Forum (IWF) was attacked overnight.

The IWF official account on X posted photos and video of the profanity-laced vandalism, which included several incidences of profanity, vulgar drawings and the usual nonsensical activist slogans. "Trans women are women," was written several times, "B is for bigot," "hategroup" and "f*** transphobes"  were some of the very creative slogans written on the bus.

Fight to protect women's sports and women's spaces from males? These are the attacks you can expect.

OutKick's Riley Gaines, host of the Gaines For Girls show and IWF ambassador, issued a statement on Friday afternoon, decrying the "violence and vandalism" of transgender activists and their exclusionary tactics.

"It's amazing that females wanting female only sports warrants such a reaction," Gaines said. "They’ve resorted to name-calling, defaming, and intentional misrepresentation when they can't dissuade from our position. And now they’ve added violence and vandalism to their tactics. Common sense, logic, reason, lived experience, and science are on our side. Let's be clear. The trans rights activists don't want inclusion; they want the exclusion of women."

Independent Women's Forum Responds To Vandalism

The IWF issued a statement in response, decrying the attack and the Biden administration's efforts to undermine women's sports.

"It’s disgusting but not surprising to see such a blatant anti-woman attack on a tour bus — our home on the road — that represents a national movement fighting to preserve equal opportunity, fairness, and safety for women in athletics. The Title IX rewrite from the Biden administration is in itself just that—an attack on women. We are disheartened but will continue to stand strong and share this important message across the country: women will not be replaced or sidelined. The Our Bodies, Our Sports Coalition has been working to save women’s sports since 2021, and we aren’t slowing down anytime soon. This cowardice attack will only make us stronger and louder as we continue to roll into Washington D.C. to amplify our message to the administration and Congress!" said Brianna Howard, Independent Women’s Forum coalition manager and Our Bodies Our Sports "Take Back Title IX" Bus Tour manager.

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova also spoke out against the attack, saying that those who commit such acts are "cowards" who "don't give a s*** about women."

While a significant majority of the country believes that only women should be allowed to compete in women's sports, extremists and politicians have joined forces to prioritize the wishes of radical gender activists. As Riley Gaines explained, it's an exclusionary ideology, one that removes the opinions and ignores the safety of women looking to compete on a level playing field.

And given the lack of consequences for vandalism and attacks targeted towards groups that disagree with progressive consensus, it's a near certainty that they'll continue, if not escalate.