Hollywood Hypocrisy: Liberal Actors Are Now Upset About Cancel Culture

There's no hypocrisy quite like the hypocrisy of actors in the entertainment industry. 

Hollywood, quite obviously, runs to the extreme far left of the ideological scale, the same left-wing ideology that created and maintains the most prolific cancel culture industrial complex that's ever been developed.

Now those same people are upset about the very concept that their political party created. Who would have ever guessed that people wouldn't enjoy when newly created rules are applied to them?

Vanity Fair recently interviewed actress Jenna Ortega, known primarily for the Netflix television show "Wednesday," based on the classic "Addams Family" property. Ortega also stars in the upcoming "Beetlejuice" sequel, "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice." Ortega, like most everyone in her industry, has previously expressed left-wing political views, like support for Palestine and wearing a jacket targeted in response to one worn by Melania Trump. She also doesn't like it when people are criticized for their views and being too sensitive. 

"The business that we work in is so touchy-feely," Ortega said. "Everybody wants to be politically correct, but I feel like, in doing that, we lose a lot of our humanity and integrity, because it lacks honesty."

She continued, "I wish that we had a better sense of conversation. Imagine if everyone could say what they felt and not be judged for it and, if anything, it sparked some sort of debate, not an argument. Am I describing world peace?"


Actors Don't Like The Political Correctness They Advocated For

Turns out, Ortega doesn't like when she or her friends are subjected to the same treatment the left has long levied at the right.

Yes, of course, Hollywood, and everyone, should be less "touchy-feely" and politically correct. But that ship has sailed, thanks to the very people who share her political views. Democrats have created an environment in which only their views are acceptable; open Trump support is a career death sentence in Hollywood. But when there's disagreement within their party, they don't like when they're punished instead of debated.

Cancel culture has cost us humanity and integrity, it's limited critical thinking, rationality, common sense and the ability to have honest conversations. What it's created instead is a culture of fear and intolerance. 

For actors on the right, their options are simple: remain silent or risk being ostracized. Ortega though, is safe, because her overall ideology remains "correct:" Trump bad, left good. Even that's apparently not enough for her though. What's that saying about what happens when you make your own bed?

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.