Hit-And-Run Shows That Teens In America Are Out Of Control (It's Only Going To Get Worse) | Tomi Lahren
From one horrific “new normal” to the next. Over the weekend, a social media video surfaced showing two teens in a stolen vehicle purposely hitting and then killing a bicyclist in Las Vegas and I have some Final Thoughts.
About a month ago, two teens stole a Hyundai Elantra and went on more than a joy ride, though they seemed pretty jolly about what they did.
We are not going to show the impact, but they ran him down in a cold and brutal fashion. That’s right. They purposely hit retired California police chief, Andreas Probst, as he was going for an early morning bike ride just a couple miles from his home.
His daughter got a notification alert from her dad’s apple watch that he had fallen.
Probst’s wife and daughter rushed to the scene and found him in critical condition. He later died in the hospital.
Andreas Probst dedicated 35 years of his life to law enforcement only to be taken out by two miscreants, two little thugs, two degenerates who did it for fun, for a laugh, for social media content. They live streamed it. That’s how sick and twisted they are.
The driver is a minor but in my view, should face the death penalty.
Teens in this country have gone feral. Absolutely feral. No guidance, no parents teaching them right from wrong, no consequences when they do wrong. Just entitlement and coddling.
We see with the smash and grabs, the brutal school yard, school bus and hallway beatdowns.
What the hell is going on? Why are kids so angry in America today? Why has this become the new normal and just a passing headline?
This culture is doing a disservice, not only to society, but to the teens who are going up in it like wild animals with no rules, no judgment and no structure.
I’m sickened and you should be too.
Parents who put in the time and effort to raise their children right and teach them right from wrong shouldn’t have to worry about sending their decent kids to school or to the mall or to extra curricular activities with feral kids whose parents don’t give a damn.
It doesn’t have to be this way but sadly, it is.
Kids aren’t born this way. This is taught. This is LEARNED behavior. And it’s all gonna come home to roost as these degenerates get older and have their own kids and continue this cycle.
You think things are bad now. Just wait 10 years. This is just the beginning.
Those are my Final Thoughts.