From The Attempted Assassination Of Donald Trump To Unity, The Path Is Difficult, But Possible | Kash Patel

Whether you agree that President Biden’s presidency has been a national security crisis—from the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan to the invasion on the border—there is a critical crisis of the truth. Everyone from the media to government officials to political pundits shares in the blame. In this rare moment of catastrophic disaster, marked by the assassination attempt on President Trump, comes a unique opportunity for unity. This unity can only be achieved through the truth. How do we obtain it?

The FBI’s credibility crisis is of its own making. From unlawful surveillance of President Trump to the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop, they have excelled in the weaponization of law enforcement. The public outcry to distrust the FBI in this investigation is not only warranted but essential. We must overcome their obstruction, which they have codified against oversight. 

Enter Congress

Having run the most consequential constitutional oversight investigation in modern history, perhaps the following playbook can be utilized. First, a two-fold witness list of government employees and private citizens must be assembled. This must include every single person in leadership positions at the Secret Service, DHS (as the Secret Service is a component therein), FBI, DOJ, and the White House. This includes both a retroactive review (why did the Secret Service deny repeated requests from Trump’s detail for increased protection packages) and a prospective one (what were their actions since). However, sworn testimony only serves as window dressing for meaningless headlines unless the underlying documents are obtained.

Obtaining the Truth

Identifying the specific divisions within these government agencies charged with any aspect of the security posture must be done with immediate haste. They must not be allowed to redact away their corruption, as has been their habit for far too long. Meaningful questioning cannot be conducted without all emails, memorandums, text messages, and phone logs. Furthermore, the classification system cannot be used as a shield to hide the truth from the American people.

Full Disclosure

Congress should not look to summarize their findings but promulgate them in full to the American public. That means obtaining and releasing all government documents and transcripts of sworn depositions in full. Speed, and not obfuscation, is of the utmost importance. Government officials responsible for the most consequential oversight investigation in U.S. history must deliver with expediency. This will require enforcement of subpoena authority and the utilization of a public desire to achieve transparency for the American public. This unique situation should muster bipartisan expedited action. If Congress can achieve that unity on Capitol Hill, then they can deliver unity via truth.

Avoiding Divisiveness

Meaningless headline grabs and letters will not achieve the mission, but will further divide us along political lines. The questions regarding security, perimeter operations, videos and statements flooding social media, and what should have been done so it never happens again are waiting in the wind. This can be done with daily nationally televised updates. The public will be their driving force, marshaled for the truth. 

The Road Ahead

This is what you are going to hear: everyone is undertaking internal investigations, IGs will be launched across each agency and department, and the FBI/DOJ are now in charge of the investigation. This will be used as a blocking mechanism against Congress’s coordinated equal branch authority. A self-assessment by the agencies and departments that they will deliver for the American people has been eviscerated by their own actions. During Russia Gate, the FBI lied about the Steele Dossier, hid the FISA, and buried exculpatory evidence behind redactions and classification pretexts. The House Intel Committee forced these disclosures, by utilizing congressional subpoena mandate, withholding of budget items, and a massive effort to educate the public who had been lied to. It was not easy, nor will this be, but we now have a track record and the greatest resource, the public desire for truth on our side.

The time for action is now. We must seize this opportunity to address the failures that have led us here and rebuild the trust of the American people in our institutions. Together, through transparency, accountability, and a steadfast commitment to the truth, we can transform this moment of crisis into one of unity and progress.

It’s time for a reset. Congress must not be diverted by standard government agency verbiage and bureaucratic deflections. There is no room for error. Instead of questioning security failures in a vacuum, we can move the levers of government with speed and poise. The American people’s will is clear, what is Congress’s?

Kash Patel served as the chief investigator and senior counsel for the Russia Gate investigation in congress and is currently senior advisor to Trump