Former CDC Director Makes Stunning Admission On COVID Vaccines

Slowly, and far, far too late, the tide seems to be turning on COVID vaccines.

By now, virtually everyone is familiar with the near constant refrain from the public health establishment, media, politicians and other experts. "Safe and effective," "everyone must be get vaccinated to stop COVID from spreading," "getting vaccinated is the most important thing you can do to protect you and those around you."

Lost in these overly simplistic platitudes was any discussion of risks and benefits, the dramatic age gradient of risk from COVID and of course, side effects.

Recently, even major media outlets signaled their willingness to acknowledge, for essentially the first time, that side effects exist and should be taken seriously. 

READ: Now The Truth Is Finally (Kind Of) Being Told By Mainstream Media About COVID Vaccine Side Effects

But now one of the most influential voices in the early days of COVID has added his opinion, and in the process directly contradicted what the country's leading public health agency has been saying for the past three years.

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield On COVID Vaccine Safety

Dr. Robert Redfield, who was CDC director when the pandemic hit, went on the Chris Cuomo show on NewsNation to discuss what happened during the pandemic with public health agencies and experts. And when asked by Cuomo if the United States should have a commission to investigate the COVID response, Redfield admitted that we should.

"I think it would be useful," Redfield said. "And the reason I say that is there's been so much credibility lost in the public science groups, NIH, FDA, CDC, because I think there was a lack of, really, just transparency." 

That's the understatement of the century. And while Redfield is willing to admit that these agencies lost credibility now, it's worth remembering that he was in charge of the CDC when the agency abandoned evidence-based thinking and recommended universal masking. He was also the same expert who said that masks would be more effective than vaccines in protecting individuals from COVID. An insane statement on multiple levels. Especially coming from someone who couldn't even wear masks correctly.

That said, at least Redfield is now willing to admit what should have been standard operating procedure since 2020 for "experts." Accept that you don't have all the answers.

"One of the things I used to tell my colleagues," Redfield continued, "Don't be afraid to say you don't know the answer. And all too often people would make up the answer."

Instead, experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci responded with an unjustified certainty that their opinions were inarguable fact. Still today, Fauci's highly lucrative speaking engagements are spent demonizing anyone who criticized him as a "conspiracy theorist" and practicing "anti-science."

Redfield also acknowledged that he and others tried to warn that there could be serious side effects from COVID vaccines. Only to face immense push back because the only priority was getting more people vaccinated.

"And as you know, those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines... we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated," Redfield said.

 "We have to be honest, some people got significant side effects from the vaccine. I have a number of people that are quite ill and they never had COVID, but they are ill from the vaccine and we just have to acknowledge that."

Here's the thing though; the official CDC director Twitter account in September 2020 was saying how important COVID vaccines would be.

"I 100% believe in the importance of vaccines and the importance in particular of a COVID19 vaccine," the CDC Director Twitter page posted. "A COVID-19 vaccine is the thing that will get Americans back to normal everyday life."

A follow up post in the thread engaged in even more misinformation: "The best defense we currently have against this virus are the important mitigation efforts of wearing a mask, washing your hands, social distancing and being careful about crowds. #COVID19

None of these policies were evidence based or shown to be effective, yet Redfield's account posted them anyway. It's nice to see him change his mind now, but it's a permanent stain on his legacy that he didn't have the strength and commitment necessary to tell the truth when it mattered.

Redfield Admits Vaccines Were Unnecessary For Most People

While saying the vaccines did save a lot of lives, Redfield admitted that they were only really beneficial for a small number of people.

"They're important for the most vulnerable people, those over 65 years of age, they really aren't for those under 50 or younger," Redfield said. 

Yet that directly contradicts guidance coming from the CDC starting in 2020. Instead of that nuanced perspective, they, and Anthony Fauci, said that everyone should get vaccinated as soon as they were eligible. And that eligibility eventually extended all the way down to six-month-old babies.

Now one of the country's foremost public health "experts" says they were never necessary for those under the age of 50. 


The media, Fauci, the CDC, and Twitter personalities spent most of the past four years demonizing anyone who shared this perspective. There are plenty of video compilations of influential figures in the media describing with disdain those who refused to get vaccinated. Calling them "stupid people" and blaming the "unvaccinated" for keeping the pandemic going.

Millions were coerced into getting vaccinated against their wishes; threatened with losing jobs, opportunities or friendships if they didn't comply. College students risked expulsion and jeopardizing their future careers. And now Redfield admits that the agency he headed, that set the recommendations used by corporations and colleges to make vaccine mandate policies, got it all wrong. The vaccines weren't necessary for younger adults, or even most middle-aged adults.

Oh well!

Many voices outside the public health industrial complex pointed out that the vaccines didn't stop infection or transmission, that masks had failed, and that vaccine mandates for healthy college students were inexcusable. Now the former head of the CDC admits that those voices were right, and the experts and media were wrong.

It's too little, too late of course. But it's yet another in a long list of embarrassments for the media, for politicians, and for The Science™. It's hard to imagine anything aging more poorly than their vicious, spiteful, malicious, patronizing, discrediting conduct during COVID.  

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.