Donald Trump Jr. Blasts MSNBC Reporter At RNC, Says Network Full Of 'Clowns'

Donald Trump is officially the Republican nominee for the 2024 United States Presidential Election.

Delegates from each state cast their votes on Monday at the Republican National Convention, making Trump the candidate for the third straight election. 

In addition to the Republican delegates, politicians and fans, the media descended on Milwaukee, Wisconsin to cover the proceedings. 

That includes MSNBC, which made the curious decision earlier in the day to pull its morning show, "Morning Joe," off the air to prevent the show's cast or guests from saying something inappropriate about the assassination attempt on Trump.

Well, a reporter for the network showed exactly why that might have been the right decision. 

Jacob Soboroff had a chance to interview Donald Trump Jr., who was in attendance for the RNC. 

Soboroff immediately attempted to put words in Trump's mouth, asking: "Your father, as president, I think you would even say, was a divisive figure. What's it going to look like in the second term?" 

"I don't think he was a divisive figure at all, I think the media created divisiveness around him," Trump shot back before listing some of the more famous media-driven hoaxes about his father. 

Soboroff probably should have taken that opportunity to stop digging a hole for himself. But he didn't do that. Instead, he pressed onward. 

He asked Trump Jr. if Donald plans to have another "family separation policy" at the southern border of the United States. 

After a quick back-and-forth about Obama's border policy, Trump smirked and then exasperatedly shut down the reporter for good. 

"It's MSDNC, so I expect nothing less from you clowns," Trump said with a smile. "Even today, even 48 hours [after an assassination attempt], you couldn't wait with your lies and with your nonsense… Just get out of here." 


This is a masterclass on how to deal with a biased reporter. Donald Trump Jr. didn't have to speak to MSNBC at all if he didn't want to. But he gave the guy a shot at conducting a respectful interview. 

Instead, the reporter immediately delivers loaded questions and tries to bait Trump Jr. into saying something incendiary. 

Rather than take the bait, though, Trump refuted the reporter's questions, pointed out the bias, and reminded him that a lunatic had tried to kill his father just two days prior. 

Bravo to Donald Trump Jr. for handling that "clown" in a perfectly appropriate manner. 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.