Elon Musk Reveals If He Has Proof Aliens Exist
Elon Musk hasn't seen a smoking gun when it comes to whether or not aliens are real.
Over the past several years, UFO and UAP hysteria has swept across America as more and more sightings have gone public. Ever since the famous "tic tac" video, UFOs have been all the rage.
Well, Musk hasn't seen any evidence to suggest aliens absolutely exist.
"To the best of my knowledge, I have not seen any evidence of aliens, and I think I'd know," Musk said during an appearance on the "Full Send Podcast."
Furthermore, Musk speculated humans are in big "trouble" if aliens are real and coming with hostile intentions. If they can get here but we can't get to them, that's an issue in the eyes of Musk.
I think the most important comment Musk made was that if aliens were real, he'd know about it, and I think that's a 100% fair thing to say.
The man founded SpaceX and is the tip of the spear when it comes to space technology. If there are little green men flying around Earth, outside of the top echelons of the military, nobody would be better suited to know than Musk.
The fact he hasn't seen a shred of evidence - or at least won't publicly admit it - is probably a good sign that aliens aren't monitoring our every move.
If Musk says the evidence doesn't exist that aliens are among us, I think we kind of just have to take him at his word.
Do you think aliens are real? Let us know in the comments below.