Disney Actually Released A Non-Woke Kids Movie, And It’s Doing Well Financially
Thanks mostly to its own incompetence and disastrous political ideology, The Walt Disney Company has struggled financially in recent years. While the theme parks have sustained attendance and revenue, the film studio has been bogged down by a string of failures.
READ: Another Disney Film Bombs At The Box Office
Progressive activist messages infested movies ostensibly targeted to children like "Lightyear," "Strange World," and "Elemental" generated huge losses at the box office. It remains to be seen whether Disney learns its lesson from seeing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue disappear, but its latest film release should provide even more proof that far-left pandering is bad for business.
"Inside Out 2" was released June 14, and has been a smashing success. Reviews have been good, audiences have enjoyed it, and sure enough, it's made a boatload of money at the box office. Through just over a week, it's made over $285 million at the domestic box office and nearly $227 million internationally.
That's more than "Wish," "Strange World" and "Lightyear" made in their global box office runs…combined.
Wonder why!

(Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images)
Will Disney Ever Permanently Learn Its Lesson?
"Inside Out 2," instead of incorporating extreme political messaging, follows a young girls' inner emotional turmoil from going through puberty. Relatedly, it's set to become one of Disney's biggest hits since "Avengers: Endgame."
What a stunning turn of events!
This isn't complicated, yet movie studios and far-left Hollywood executives can't seem to figure it out. Movie-going audiences, particularly families, are ready and willing to go to the movies. But most, and again especially families, don't want to be lectured to from one particular ideology.
It's summer, children are out of school, parents are looking for ways to keep them occupied. Movies are the perfect activity and escape from warm weather. Give them quality, family-friendly, non-political entertainment, and they'll show up. It's a formula that Disney had previously used to turn themselves into one of the largest conglomerates in the world.
Yet as the industry, its executives, and particularly its creative talent and employees turned hard to the left, decision makers have been pushed into an extremely self-destructive direction. And this past month of Disney content exemplifies that dichotomy perfectly.
While "Inside Out 2" is a huge hit, financially and with audiences, the Disney+ series "The Acolyte" has been a train wreck.
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Plot lines have become instant memes for their absurdity, unbiased reviewers have lambasted the show, and the creator and star have worked tirelessly to put their own ideology and beliefs into the product. The contrast couldn't be more stark. And the results reflect it.