Democrats Will Forever Shun Biden If He Stays In The Race And Loses To Trump | Bobby Burack

Pressure for Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race has intensified greatly.

Nearly two-thirds of Democrats say Biden should withdraw from the race and let his party nominate a different candidate, according to a new poll by AP-NORC Center.

Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer reportedly told Biden in a "blunt one-on-one conversation" on Saturday that it would be best if he "bowed out of the race." 

Barack Obama, the most influential person in the Democrat Party, told allies in recent days that he believes Biden needs to reconsider his candidacy. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Biden privately that polling shows he cannot defeat Trump, per reports.

Should Biden turn on the television, he'll find former friendly allies sending him the same message.

Most notably, MSNBC's "Morning Joe," arguably the most pro-Biden program in cable news, backed calls for the president to drop out on Thursday. 

"You know, it’s really incumbent on people that are around Joe Biden to step up at this point and help the president, and help the man they love, and do the right thing," said Joe Scarborough. "This is not going to end well if it continues to drag out."

NBC anchor Chuck Todd echoed a similar sentiment hours later. "This candidacy is over," Todd declared. "[Biden is] about 10 days' from accepting [that] reality.

CNN host Jake Tapper compared Biden to a famous movie character who doesn’t yet know he’s dead.

"To hear top Democrats tell it, President Biden is like Bruce Willis’ character in the movie The Sixth Sense," argued Tapper. He is the only one who seems unaware of his grim fate."

While Biden has been defiant about staying in the race, CNN reported Wednesday night that his tone has shifted some. The report details how a senior Democrat adviser said the president has become "more receptive" to calls for him to step down.

"I'm told now he is asking questions saying, 'Do you think Kamala can win?'" CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny said. "Again, this adviser offers caution saying: 'It is still unclear where he is going to land but he seems to be listening."

If Biden drops out before the August 19 Democratic National Convention, the more than 3,900 pledged delegates will meet at the convention and cast their first ballot for a new candidate.

Kamala Harris, the only candidate who can inherit Biden's nearly $250 million war chest, would be the prohibited favorite to replace Biden on the ballot. And that is the direction in which the momentum is heading.

Biden is not capable of running the country for four more years. That's obvious. Just look at him. The heads of the Democrat Party want him to step aside. Around 72 percent of registered voters also say Biden should not run for president. He has virtually no support from Washington. 

His paths to victory are narrow. Internal Democrat polling warns Trump could top 330 electoral votes. Only 270 are needed to become the president.

See, the right already considers Biden one of the worst U.S. presidents ever, perhaps better than only James Buchanan. They will remember him as the demented fool who opened our borders, shamefully botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and put America second. 

But if Biden stays in the race and loses to Trump, the left will remember him just as negatively. The Democrat Party will shun him. It will depict him as the delusional, feeble man who ignored party leaders and helped elect Trump, the "threat to Democracy."

Conversely, Biden could bow out and save face among Democrats. He can "retire" as the candidate who beat Donald Trump and handed over the baton for the good of the nation." 

He could probably secure some golden parachute or assurance that the party will forever stand by his crooked son for his resignation efforts.

The decision seems obvious.

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Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.