College Football Home Field Advantage Rankings
As fans and gamblers, we spend a lot of time thinking about where games are played and what kind of advantage it offers. But rarely does someone analyze the data for home field advantage across the spectrum of college football like Paul Bessire just did at
Here are the conference rankings for home field advantage.
Now let's look at which teams have the best home field advantage.
Being at the top of the list is not necessarily a positive. A strong team performs consistently well no matter where the game is played. So then which teams are least dependent on home field advantage? Here's the bottom fifteen.
As noted in the article, "The best teams should be closer to the bottom of the rankings than the top because they should dominate more consistently and not be subject to the large swings in performance from home to away like what is seen in other teams."
This argument is supported by the ranking of FSU, an annually competitive team, as dead last in home field advantage. However, Vanderbilt's low ranking proves home field advantage is also nonexistent for teams that are consistent at losing.
You can find a more thorough analysis and the complete rankings here.