CNN Gives Ridiculous Interview With Alito Neighbor, Excuses ‘F*** Trump’ Flag, ‘C word’

You'd think that the media would have given up on trying to frame Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito as a Christian Nationalist extremist after their stories were roundly debunked. But that assumption rests on the media having the slightest interest in the truth or correcting mistakes.

And as we've seen in any number of stories in recent history, not only is the media not interested in correcting mistakes, it's actively opposed to it. One of the most recent examples is the "controversy" over the flags flying at Alito's house, which was effectively ended when the Washington Post revealed it'd known since 2021 it was over a neighborhood dispute with Alito's wife.

READ: The Media Knew The Truth About Samuel Alito Flag, And Attacked Him Anyway

CNN showed that once again it's uninterested in correcting the record in a recent broadcast, doubling down on the Alito criticism by having that neighbor on to defend herself with Erin Burnett. That neighbor, Emily Baden, was treated like a victim of the disagreement, and accused Alito of "outright lying" about the conflict between the two parties. It's as bad as it sounds.

CNN Glosses Over Inappropriate Behavior To Present Alito Neighbor As A Victim

As if there were any doubt whose side Burnett was taking, she presented Baden as a brave victim of abuse and harassment. 

"That the timing doesn’t add up. I do think it’s important, Emily, just to emphasize here that, you know, you’re this is happening between, you, your husband, your, your household and a Supreme Court justice and his wife, and a police report is called. I mean, it’s pretty stunning," Burnett said.

She continued, framing it with the exact language used to describe abuse victims.

"But you certainly felt you certainly felt threatened," Burnett told Baden. "And let me let me just ask you, Emily, you know, you talking before this and I think I don’t want to say anything inappropriate, but I know you were nervous to talk. You were. You thought about this long and hard to decide whether you you thought it was worthwhile to speak out. Why, do you think it is so important that you tell this story?"

What Burnett didn't do though, was question Baden whether or not it was appropriate to fly a flag that said "F*** Trump" in the middle of a residential neighborhood when children were likely to see it. Or whether or not it was appropriate to use the "c word."

Baden then revealed that she is, quite naturally, a generic, unthinking member of the far left, sharing the same nonsensical resistance platitudes that CNN specializes in.

"I think it is monumentally important," Baden said. "I think our democracy is fragile, and we learned that on January 6th. And, we see it all the time, with people like Trump who say they want to be a dictator. These are serious, serious things. And I just want people, regular people like myself, to understand that we live in a democracy and we don’t have to. We don’t have to watch our democracy become a dictatorship or a fascist, you know, Christian nationalist society. Like, we need to pay attention. We need to stand up, organize and resist."

It's peak CNN, peak media in general, to gloss over that this person engaged in inappropriate behavior, including flying vulgar, unacceptable flags pointedly to harass their neighbors. Instead, Burnett did everything in her power to justify those actions, providing leading phrasing designed to portray her as the victim of unspeakable abuse by the Alito family.

The story has been roundly debunked, yet they can't let go of attempts to frame Alito as a Christian Nationalist insurrectionist. Meanwhile CNN, and generic resistance liberals like Baden, have no interest in drawing conclusions over their own party's attempts to jail political opposition. She is right, democracy is fragile, but the threats often come from those who want to live in a far-left nationalist society.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.