Chinese Nationals Attempting To Infiltrate American Military Bases

In an extremely concerning sign of increasing threats from China, there's been a reported surge in gate crashing by Chinese nationals.

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Chinese nationals have gained access to military bases or other "sensitive sites" in what U.S. officials described as a "potential espionage threat."

Multiple government agencies, including the FBI and Department of Defense have acknowledged that the so called "gate-crashers" have infiltrated U.S. bases and "other installations" without authorization. The Journal covered several examples, ranging from Chinese nationals entering a missile range in New Mexico to scuba divers found near a "rocket-launch site" in Florida.

Most concerning is that these incidents are said to be decidedly unfriendly.

According to U.S. officials interviewed by the Journal, they're described as a form of "espionage." Specifically, Chinese nationals are sent to test out security at military bases and inform the Chinese Communist Party of their findings.

The FBI provided comment to the Journal that didn't directly confirm or deny the report.

"The Chinese government is engaged in a broad, diverse campaign of theft and malign influence without regard to laws or international norms that the FBI will not tolerate.” 

That's not at all what you want to hear!

Chinese Nationals Indicate Escalating Tensions Between The Two Countries

Very few things involving Chinese nationals happen without the express consent or encouragement of the Communist Party. Which means that there's little doubt these incursions are being directed by the top levels of the Chinese government.

What possible reason could they have other than provoking a response from the United States?

While there's been nearly 100 incidents, according to the report, how many more haven't been discovered? And how long has this been occurring?

Tensions between the U.S. and China have only increased after the COVID pandemic, with multiple government agencies confirming that a lab leak was most likely responsible.


The CCP's espionage efforts will only serve to heighten these disagreements.

It's easy to get hyperbolic when referring to China's misbehavior and escalations. But given their past efforts, willingness to push the envelope and disregard for America's current leadership, these incidents can only be seen as very bad news for the future of relations between the two countries.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.