Chicago Will Have To Rehire And Compensate Employees Fired Over Vaccine Mandates

Vaccine mandates were and are an indefensible policy, scientifically and morally. And as the pandemic fades, the consequences of progressive politicians' obsession with controlling behavior continues to unfold.

In a win for sanity and reason, a judge at the Illinois Labor Relations Board ruled that some employees fired due to Chicago's vaccine mandate should be reinstated and compensated with backpay.

While the ruling did not cover whether or not the mandates were justifiable, it does expose how authoritarian left wing politicians became during COVID.

According to WGN Chicago, the judge "found that the city didn't bargain in good faith with unions" in imposing the vaccine mandate.

Two separate unions had argued that the city "unilaterally" implemented the vaccine mandate, WGN reported.

The ruling means the city, pending appeal, will have to rehire employees that were fired and compensate them for missed pay.

Naturally, Mayor Lori Lightfoot's office appealed to "the science" in response.

A spokesperson for Lightfoot said it was “an erroneous decision that does not follow the law, facts or importantly the science” and “we are currently reviewing the ruling and evaluating next steps.”

It's hard to believe that after being wrong about every single aspect of COVID policy, politicians are still claiming that they followed "the science."

Vaccine Mandates Revealed Authoritarian Impulses

Cities, jurisdictions, companies, and even presidents were exposed since 2020 for their obsession with compelling behavior.


"The science" industrial complex and obsession with unquestioning acceptance of current liberal thought among institutions has led to unimaginable harm.

Firing people for making entirely justifiable personal health decisions is just one of the many examples of the consequences of purposeful ignorance.

There is and was no interest in following science, but instead in following the dictates of progressives.

So unscientific, inexcusable authoritarianism prevailed over common sense and data. As it so often does.

This ruling, assuming it stands, is one of hopefully many to redress the imbalance created by incompetent politicians.

But if their response is any indication, instead of accepting responsibility and apologizing for mistakes, these politicians will continue pretending they did nothing wrong.

Sounds eerily similar to the purposeful inaccuracies of their hero, Dr. Fauci.