Chart Shows The Legacy Media Is Obsessed With Fake Oppression
The legacy media cannot stop talking about so-called oppression.
Elon Musk reposted a chart this week detailing the dramatic increases in how often the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Wall Street Journal have mentioned social justice buzz-words compared to previous decades.
Take a look:
The chart shows an obsession with convincing readers we are a nation of bigots.
Of course, the country has not become more "racist," "sexist," etc. over the past 50 years. (Granted, anti-Semitism, via the Elite Left, is on the rise.) There's just more incentive to convince readers that's the case.
Generating fear, hatred, and claims to victimhood is a lucrative industry. Inciting fear – the goal for most modern newsrooms – is easier and more effective than reporting the truth.
Why bother investing in actual journalism when smear merchants are cheaper to employ and simpler to deploy? The truth is boring. Propaganda is riveting.
The chart also shows the importance of a platform like X.
While traditional newsrooms are focused on "Islamophobia," independent journalists online ask real questions -- like why the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is no longer a story in the news?
Words like "racism," "transphobia," and "sexism," are often used to gaslight readers into believing we are plagued by not our leaders but our contemporaries.
It's all such a lie; a lie to keep us divided.
Put simply, the demand for bigotry vastly outstrips their supply.
Err, the type of bigotry the press wants us to believe is real. The legacy media rarely covers the rise of anti-white racism, the most prevalent and accepted form of bigotry in America today.