CBS Displays Obvious Bias Towards Kamala Harris And Against Donald Trump

I'm not sure if many people realize this, but most of the American media wants Kamala Harris to beat Donald Trump in the 2024 United States Presidential Election.

"But, Dan, the media is just the nation's watchdog! They don't care who wins, they just report the facts!" 

I'm so sorry to be the one who has to break this, but it's true. Most "journalists" are not only hoping that Harris wins the presidency but are actively doing their part to help her beat Trump. 

How does the media do that? Simple. They just frame everything that Kamala Harris does as good and everything that Donald Trump does as bad. 

Need some evidence of that? Glad you asked! 

When Donald Trump proposed that service workers shouldn't pay taxes on tips, CBS wrote a post on social media that talked about how much that plan would cost. 

OK, so we want to make sure that people know that even though this idea sounds good in theory, it's potentially bad for American people. That's a perfectly reasonable position to take. 

However, when Kamala Harris decided that she liked Trump's idea and was going to start using it for herself, CBS made no mention of the potential burden on taxpayers. 

Looking at the two posts side-by-side really paints a grim picture of the modern American media. 

Even look at the photos they used in these stories. The Trump photo is him simply looking stern while wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat. 

The Harris photo, though, is an action shot that makes it look like she's actually doing something (she isn't, just making empty promises like most politicians).

Not only that, the Harris shot includes a crowd behind her, many holding signs promoting Harris. 

The picture that CBS is painting is fairly clear, if you pay attention: Trump wants to be a dictator, ruling on high by himself, whereas Kamala Harris is simply a "woman of the people." 

Are you paying attention, yet? 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.