Gavin Newsom is doing his best to further destroy California, and for once, his best is remarkably effective. For the first time in the history of California, the nation's most populous state saw its population decline during Newsom's pointlessly authoritarian COVID mandates. Those trends continued from 2022 to 2023, encompassing New York as well,, as residents fled for cheaper cost of living, higher quality of life, sanity in public education and states like Florida where crime is actually punished and prosecuted. READ: You’ll Never Guess Which States Gained And Lost The Most Population From 2022-2023 And when broken down at the county level, it's even more obvious how the left's mismanagement on both coasts is leading hundreds of thousands of residents to leave what used to be a desirable place to live. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county with the highest level of outward net migration, meaning more people left than moved in, is Los Angeles. And it's not even close. Just in the past two years, nearly 263,000 people left Los Angeles for other parts of the country. Nearly 3 percent of the county's population fled in just two years. Absolutely remarkable. Newsom, Hochul Doing Their Best To Push Residents Out Combined, the four California counties on this list lost more than 435,000 people in just two years. That's nearly the entire population of Wyoming. Cook County, Illinois, home to Chicago, lost 153,000 people. And New York City's counties, Bronx, Kings and Queens, lost nearly 364,000 people from 2022-2023. So far, left counties saw more than 950,000 people in just two years flee for other areas. And 4.2 percent of the combined populations of those counties, all in blue areas, moved away in just two years. It's hard to imagine a more obvious sign of failure than that. An equivalent population to the state of Delaware left the failures of Democratic leadership for greener pastures. In just two years. These trends show no sign of slowing down either, as the left's political platform continues to move further away from reality and common sense on virtually every major issue. So will they learn from their mistakes and change course as millions of people reject their priorities? Of course not! That makes too much sense.