Bill Maher On Trump Assassination Attempt: Shooter 'Did Damage To The Left'

Comedian Bill Maher has become one of the most reasonable voices on the Left, so it's no surprise that he took a very levelheaded position on the attempted assassination of former United States President Donald Trump. 

A shooter attempted to kill Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, hitting the former president in the ear. Tragically, a rally goer was killed by gunfire. 

Maher had a scheduled stand-up show on Saturday night at the Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

He opened the show with his thoughts on the Trump shooting, immediately denouncing the act of violence. 

"I so unequivocally denounce [the shooting], I don't care what you think about that," Maher said to cheers and claps from the audience. 

"I'm sure there will be jokes that people will make because they hate him so much," he continued. "Not from me." 

Maher then turned his attention to the aftermath of the shooting, which the comedian says was a terrible incident for the overall position of the Left.

"Whoever was the shooter has done so much damage to the Left," Maher said. "Liberals don't shoot people. Liberals don't solve it that way." 

Maher said the assassination attempt cost Liberals "a lot of moral high ground," which is clearly something to which they strongly cling. 

Moral high ground is very important to the Left, as they constantly pit themselves as the "good guys" while Republicans are the "evil" people on the "wrong side of history." 

But as OutKick founder Clay Travis pointed out, it's hard for the Left to continue to claim the "right side of history" when they are the ones attempting to jail and assassinate political opponents. 

"I'm glad [Trump] is OK," Maher continued in his opening remarks. "Trump, I gotta say this, he is the luckiest motherf***er that has ever walked the face of the Earth." 

Maher got a great laugh from the crowd with that line, and he's not entirely wrong. Donald Trump is incredibly lucky that the bullet hit him in the ear, as it was inches from ending his life. 

However, Maher adds that Trump was "lucky" to win the 2016 election despite losing the popular vote. I certainly wouldn't call his 2016 election win "lucky" but Maher is entitled to his opinion on the subject. 

He also called Trump "lucky" that Joe Biden is incredibly old, suggesting that he's going to win the 2024 election thanks to that. Again, though, is it lucky that the Democrats keep putting terrible candidates against Trump? 

Maybe, maybe not. It seems more likely that American citizens are rejecting the radical left-wing policies put forth by the "moral high ground" party over the past decade. 

Bill Maher denounces the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, and says the incident only helps Trump politically. 

Maher then conceded what many people believe to be the case: Donald Trump was likely to win the 2024 United States Presidential Election before Saturday. Now, it's a virtual guarantee. 

"When I saw that photo today of him, with the blood streaming down his face, I don't want to say the election is over but…" Maher trailed off to laughter from the audience. 

"Anything can happen in an election, but Jesus Christ. MAGA Nation finally has its full martyr," Maher added.  

Then, Bill Maher added the most salient point in his entire monologue. 

"There will be idiot conspiracy theorists that say [Trump] planned this," he said. 

That's absurd, but Maher is right. People will certainly accuse Trump of manufacturing this. However, that just doesn't make sense. He was already winning the election. There was no need to stage something like this. 

If anything, it would have made much more sense for the Democrats to throw a Hail Mary and try something crazy. 

"It almost doesn't matter who the Democrats put up now," Maher concluded. 

Bill Maher continues to serve as the voice of reason for the Left, which is refreshing, quite frankly. His take on the Donald Trump assassination attempt was perfect. 

Not that providing a reasonable point of view is difficult to do for people like Maher, since so many of the loudest voices on that side of the aisle regularly spout absurdities. 

Still, good for Maher for continuing to be intellectually honest. Hopefully, that will rub off on the rest of the Left. 

That might just be wishful thinking, though. 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.