Biden Malfunctions Again During Speech, Defying ‘Deep Fake’ Defense

Joe Biden is at it again, and in an infuriating turn of events for his partners in the media and his press secretary, he did it on a stream provided by the literal White House itself.

Biden's mental decline has been obvious to anyone not employed by a major media outlet before and after his election in 2020. And it's become an increasing focus in recent days after he appeared to freeze at his star-studded LA fundraiser, before being led off stage by former President Barack Obama.

This video in particular, which was posted in unaltered fashion by a writer for The Hollywood Reporter, hardly a far-right conservative news source, really struck a nerve for the Biden-defense industrial complex. 

To deflect from the ensuing attention, Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said videos showing Biden's senility and concerning public behavior were "deepfakes." She also claimed that Republicans were using "manipulated videos" to shape public opinion. Despite the fact that everyone can see his unaltered public behavior over and over and over again.

Even The Associated Press went into Biden-defense mode, issuing a laughable "fact check" of the video, saying he didn't "freeze," he "paused." As well as quoting Democratic strategists who repeated the same lines about Biden being sharp as a tack.

Well, they won't be able to say this one was a "deepfake."

Biden Freezes Again During Speech Aired By The White House

During an event "honoring" the 12th anniversary of the disastrous DACA program enacted by Obama, Biden started by thanking some of the gathered attendees. And after getting past the "members of Congress" section, he started with thanking the "homeland security secretary," then just…went blank. 

He mumbled some unintelligible words, then just gave up. All while Chuck Schumer kept smiling in the background, unconcerned about the disastrous mental break.

And here's the best part; the video was posted on the White House official Twitter account.

It'd be pretty hard to "deepfake" a live video playing on the White House Twitter account.

Really though, this once again highlights how broken the media, Democratic politicians and Biden's celebrity friends are, in real time. Biden wandered away at an event in Europe, then came home and froze during an event in LA. It's right there on video, but because it looks so bad for Biden, the left wing "fact checking" complex sprung into action.

This video is much the same; he completely malfunctioned, mumbling for an exceptionally long period of time, before just giving up entirely. It's a common Biden issue, that any rational human being can see and accept. But the left is not rational; so we get their "deepfake" conspiracy theory nonsense instead. It's almost as embarrassing as Biden trying to complete a sentence.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.