Anti-Israel Nutjobs Burn Flags, Wave Support For Hamas In DC In Response To Netanyahu's Address

Anti-Israel agitators flooded the nation’s capital on Wednesday in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress. 

The demonstrations thus far include burning American flags, accusing Netanyahu of being a "war criminal," and marching with what appears to be the flag of the terrorist group Hamas. 

Fox News estimates that a few hundred protesters had gathered on Pennsylvania Avenue and 3rd Street, outside the Gallery of Art. They have a stage set up in front of the Capitol building and are currently chanting.

Here are some of the videos capturing the madness:

Police eventually formed a blockade on the corner of Constitution and Louisiana Avenue, to which demonstrators responded by releasing red and green powder into the air.

"All of them were immediately removed from the Gallery and arrested," Capitol Police said in a post on X. "Disrupting the Congress and demonstrating in the Congressional Buildings is against the law.

"Our officers just reported that the final number of arrests in the House Galleries was a total of six people for D.C. Code §10-503.16(b)(2), Unlawful Conduct."


Consider that Hamas presented the slaughtering of the innocent, the abduction of women, and the beheading of civilians. Yet left-wing loons responded to the acts of terrorism by supporting them.

The term "anti-Semitism" most simply describes the disdain for Netanyahu and Israel. But it turns even deeper, stemming from the Marxian concept that we are a land split between the oppressed and their oppressors.

Such a worldview leads its followers to deduce that the struggle is primarily the result of exploitation. Such a worldview leads its followers to deduce that the struggle is primarily the result of exploitation.  As we explained in a column from April, most Hamas sympathizers arrived at the faulty conclusion that Jews are the oppressors of the Palestinians.

Author Barton Swaim of the Wall Street Journal elaborated last December: 

"They can’t behold Israel’s prosperity without concluding that the Jews have stolen their wealth from their neighbors. The entire ‘social justice’ movement is premised on the belief that if one group does well and another doesn’t, the former must have taken advantage of the latter."

And some American lawmakers continue to push that script. Here's Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) from inside Capitol Hill:

Park Police said just after 4 p.m. that a crowd remained at Columbus Circle, again advising on social media for protesters to disperse.