Tony Dungy Schools Kamala Harris On Faith, Wants Defeat Of Florida Abortion Amendment

Tony Dungy has been standing on principle and his faith throughout his Pro Football Hall of Fame career in the NFL. He's rarely hesitated to share what he believes and stands for.

But the last few days were different.

Kamala Harris Pro-Abortion

In recent days Vice President Kamala Harris has been telling Americans, both on the stump and on social media, that abortion is worth fighting for. 

And she believes this so deeply that she's encouraging even Christians, who are typically vehemently opposed to abortions based on Scripture, that it's not against their faith to be in favor of letting women do whatever they want relative to the procedure.

It's not against their faith, Harris contends, to agree that the government should not be telling any woman what to do with her body – including having an abortion. 

Tony Dungy Challenges Harris

And this is where Dungy drew the line. This is where the former coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Indianapolis Colts, a Super Bowl winner multiple times in his career as a player and coach, challenged Harris.

Dungy got after Harris from a faith point of view because Harris made the mistake of wandering onto turf she apparently knows very little about – the Christian faith.

And that's a subject Dungy is quite familiar with – body, spirit and soul.

"Dear VP Harris," Dungy began his reply on X (formerly Twitter), "I hear you make this statement all the time. Exactly what "faith" are you talking about when you say you don’t have to abandon it to support abortion?"

And we're off …

"Are you talking about the Christian faith that says all babies are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), that God places them in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5), and that we should not take any life unjustly (Luke 18:20)?"

Dungy brought receipts straight out of the Bible, folks.

What Is Kamala Harris Talking About?

And coach wasn't done.

"Are you talking about that faith or some nebulous, general "faith" that says we’re good enough, and smart enough to make our own decisions? What "faith" are you talking about?" Dungy concluded.

Christians see all fetuses (babies) as being placed in the womb by God as part of his plan, not by coincidence or mistake. Indeed, the Word also says that God selected and made all of us before we were even in that womb.

"He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world," Ephesians 1:3-5 says.

Look, it's Sunday, you could do with a little churching. And it doesn't hurt to understand why tens of millions of Christians in America and even more on the rest of the planet see abortion as so terrible.

Tony Dungy Reaches Millions

Anyway, Dungy's message went out to his approximately 964,000 followers on X. And his post at this moment has 9.7 million impressions and 107,000 likes.

So Dungy's message is out.

OutKick texted Dungy to see if he had anything else he wanted to add. He said he has no further comments to make as to the current vice president.

But he said he is hoping to get people in Florida, where he currently resides, to understand "the verbiage of Amendment 4 on the ballot this November and to understand the ramifications of that vote."

Amendment Four on the Florida ballot reads: "Limiting government interference with abortion.— Except as provided in Article X, Section 22, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider."

And pro-life advocates see this as a vaguely crafted way of adding to abortions in a deeply red state.

Abortion On Florida Ballot

The amendment does not define when exactly viability is, so it leaves vague whether a baby in the ninth month or even hours before birth is viable? Some might argue it is not.

The amendment doesn't define who qualifies as a "patient's healthcare provider," leaving open to interpretation what persons the amendment is empowering.

Dungy comes at all this from a Christian perspective. He did not mention the obvious irony and, if you wish to go there, the clear hypocrisy, of the vice president's original post.

She is saying Christians should agree the government should not be telling women what to do with their bodies. The Biden-Harris administration, under which she still serves, told everyone what to do with their bodies. 

Executive orders were announced under Biden-Harris directing all federal agencies to mandate the "vaccination" of employees, requiring the "vaccination" of military personnel, requiring the "vaccination" of private sector employees working for business with 100 or more employees, and requiring federal contractors be "vaccinated" unless they were granted a medical or religious exemption.

In every single mandate, the Biden-Harris administration compelled people – including women – to forego decisions about their own bodies and do what the government wanted.

The Supreme Court eventually overturned a vast majority of the mandates as unconstitutional.