N.H. School Bans Parents From Girls' Soccer Games Who Distribute Pink XX Armbands To Oppose Transgender Player

Some parents in New Hampshire have been slapped with "No Trespass" orders after they showed up to a girls' soccer game with pink armbands with "XX" on them to support their daughters who were up against an opposing team that featured a biological male on the roster.

According to the NH Journal, parents of girls soccer players from Bow High School — like most people with even the slightest grasp of basic human biology — were none too pleased about the prospect of their girls having to play a physical sport like soccer against a male.

So, they complained to the school's athletic director, but were told that there was nothing that could be done because of a federal judge's ruling that the term "girl" includes males who identify as female.

As ridiculous as that is, it meant that there was nothing the school or team could do about the situation.

So, to voice their disagreement, several parents threw on pink "XX" wristbands, and because a disturbingly large swath of the nation has lost all manner of common sense, these parents were slapped with a police-enforced "No Trespassing" order.

"My daughter’s playing in the homecoming game this weekend, and I’m banned until the 23rd," parent Anthony Foote told NH Journal. "I can’t watch her play in homecoming — which is ridiculous."

Yeah, that is ridiculous. And so what was the problem? After all, Foote said that there was no other form of protest happening aside from the pink armbands. Videos of the Tuesday night match in question reportedly don't show much of anything, with the only disruption coming from people who were upset about the armband.

Well, according to the order — which was signed by the district's superintendent, Marcy Kelley — the pink armbands violated the school's policy against "threatening, harassing, or intimidating…any person."

Alright; so then what about the female soccer players who might end up feeling threatened or intimated by the biological male trying to slide tackle them?

What a lot of people who oppose protecting women's sports can't seem to grasp, is that the overwhelming majority of the time, the issue isn't with the transgender athlete themselves. It's the bigger picture issue of how there is a growing expectation for female athletes to compete against males whether they want to or not.

"I don’t care what (the player) wants to do with his life. What I do care about is that my daughter could be physically hurt, maybe not by (the player) because he’s not the biggest kid on the field. But there’s a chance that next time will be different."

There's a lot to be done when it comes to this issue, and it sure is a shame to see people supporting their daughters being banned from watching them compete.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.